There’s so much to love in this game, holy shit. I didn’t know the thing I was truly missing from my life was a Kirby 3D platformer but this game exudes so much happy and positive energy, it’s impossible not to love it.

Also the music fuckin slaps dude holy shit this game gets one full star for the music alone

take a shot every time the motion controls can be misinterpreted as something sexual

It’s Steven Universe without any of the filler

So it’s Steven Universe but good

A great follow-up to the original Stanley Parable. I can't say anything more without spoiling the whole game and I won't do that, just play it for yourself.

It's good, but suffers from Kirby syndrome. That being, the bosses are so good it's crazy but your running speed is soooooooo sloooooooow. It also suffers from classic N64 jank which really doesn't help it...

But god the bosses are so good dude play it just for those alone.

Very good selection of games but I dunno I just don’t really like devil in the details. It’s a cool concept but I don’t like it’s execution.

Probably the best and most refined mario party on N64 but that didn't stop me from complaining on twitter everytime something went wrong

This game sent me on a spiral dude.

Scott the Woz voice: This game blows!

This game oozes so much style it's insane. I love it all and the multiple playable characters is always something I love in platformers. Such a solid game

A lot better than I thought it would be

Played this for the first time in years with a buddy and we won 3 times in a row.