I was really hoping it'd be more different than the original with more levels, but it's undeniably an improvement nonetheless!

The levels are even more open ended and genuinely really fun to explore, and the different ninjas are as fun as ever to use.

I really wish Sega had made a new entry to this series on one of its home consoles but, I'm happy with how it turned out either way!

Pretty brutally difficult but honestly a really fun game.

The music is pretty fantastic and the visuals are pretty good for the platform.

The different ninja abilities and the open ended design of the levels are very unique for the series and are really fun.

Glad I got to play this one! Though it's definitely pretty skipabble.

Okay, hear me out...

While this might not be what many people were looking for in terms of a Max Payne sequel...

This is one of the best third person shooters ever made.

The gunplay is amazing, the movement feels so fucking weighty and is so fun to mess around with, the levels are stunning and incredibly distinct from one another.

I see a lot of people describing this as "generic cover shooter" but, dude... try playing this game without cover.

It's actually incredibly viable and really fucking fun, you have a ton of tools available to you to not rely on cover, you don't need it! You can jump dive and use bullet time to clear most encounters without cover!

Not to say this game is flawless though, of course, no game is, and this game's biggest sin is easily the absolute frequency of small cutscenes in the middle of levels, those ruin the pace really badly.

Otherwise? Genuinely an excellent game, and my favourite Max Payne to play, I adored my time with it and really look forward to re-playing it time and time again!

I'd have very easily given this game a perfect score if it weren't for the just...

Genuinely atrocious mid-game construction building levels.

Some of the most dull visuals and tedious gameplay I've seen in any game in that one level...

Otherwise, this is an EXCELLENT game.

Amazing story, visuals, gameplay, everything! An upgrade over the first one in every aspect.

Just... that middle part makes me not wanna replay it.

The game to really put Remedy on the map, one that I was honestly a bit worried before playing since it seems like a game that'd have aged really badly, with people mentioning the difficulty a lot especially, but honestly...

It's still Really fucking good.

The bullet-time mechanics aren't nearly as focused on in this one as its two sequels, making it less of a mechanic you constantly use and more... something to tip the odds in your favour when a fight isn't going well.

The story, while incredibly cheesy and gets WAYYYYYYYY over the top really quickly, is still really fun to go through, and the character of Max Payne himself is still really fascinating to explore and learn about.

The atmosphere of the levels are really hit and miss, they go from incredibly moody winter-night city-scapes to... very generic gray warehouses and research facilities, when they're good though they're REALLY good!

Very much should give this one a playthrough. While it has aged in some aspects it's still an incredibly fun game with very solid shooting mechanics!

The game's just really average and short, I have nothing to say on it.

An excellent game... for the price, but otherwise very unremarkable.

The weapons are fun to use and unique but, some of them are obviously much better than others.

Enemy balancing and placement is very obnoxious at times which forces you to camp corridors with the pistol's shield deployed but usually, pretty alright.

The aesthetics try to mimic the N64 which, I think N64 games have aged horribly visuals wise compared to its contemporaries from its generation but even without my bias, you can tell its a very budgety affair.

The music was honestly the lowest point of this game, it's not catchy nor atmospheric, just noise...

Still, it's a perfectly good game for its price and I didn't regret my time with it.

Genuinely looks and runs worse than 90% of the PS1's and N64's libraries.

The sequel to the most soulless game ever made.

This game is targetted towards people who grew up playing unity phone games that ran at 10fps on their mom's Samsung.

The most soulless game ever made.

This game is a doozy...

Its pros are REALLY good and, its cons... REALLY bad

For the pros:
The levels are incredibly fun to explore and are well designed.

The playstyles and options you have are incredibly varied: you can play this like a movement heavy boomer shooter or a tactical FPS and both are very viable!

The weapons feel, AMAZING to use, they feel genuinely so satisfying!

The enemies are fun to tackle and challenging, and the vast variety of them makes each level feel refreshing to play.

The boss and enemy designs, and the story and setting of the game, are incredibly unique and eerie, it makes me so excited for tits sequel.

Tycho is Best boy

And the cons:
The entire game has like, 20 textures, the majority of them are this tealish blue, and while the designs of the levels are unique like I mentioned before, it makes their actual looks Very samey.

No unique music, the music that exists in-game is royalty free, and while they do fit the game's atmosphere and levels, none of them really stick with you.

The bosses are... non-animating PNGs that shoot stuff at you, they're incredibly boring to fight and feel extremely low effort.

Crashes, not a lot of them... but frequent enough to be annoying.

This was very obviously made by one person, and what they made is genuinely amazing for what it is, and the sequel already looks 10 times better, I very much look forward to seeing what they make next!

I'll finish my review once they finish the game, what's there is genuinely really solid though and I genuinely hope this game does get finished.


It's very rare that I find myself re-playing a game.

Even rarer that I replay it soon after I finished it.

Even More So that I replay it so many times I decide to tackle the highest difficult available and do challenge runs, I finished this game on Very Hard pistol starting every level and getting all kills and secrets.

This is a genuinely excellent boomer shooter that does, basically everything right.

The levels are incredibly fun to explore and, despite the game's overly brown color pallet, are incredibly distinct from each other and an absolute joy to play.

The enemies are challenging and fun to take down, the weapons feel amazing to use, the environments and music are really eerie and atmospheric, I genuinely adore this game, one of my all time favourites!

One thing to note though: the gameplay and movement feel, despite the game's obvious Quake influence, is a lot more akin to Duke Nukem 3D than it is Quake, so, be wary of that!

I can't say this one left as much of an impression on me as the original Half-Life, but if anything, that's a testament to how much it innovated and expanded upon the first game that so much of what I expect to see in games now originated with this one!

An incredibly innovative game with some of the most fun and unique levels in an FPS I've played, I very much adored my time with this one! Ravenholm was especially fun to finally experience for myself.

An absolutely classic FPS that's worth a playthrough by anyone that's a fan of the genre!

The weapons feel amazing to use, the enemies are really fun to fight, the environments are a joy to explore, it's an overall incredibly fun game!

It does show a bit of jank on occasion with things like swimming and the fish enemy's weird animations, but for its age that's more than excusable!

The visuals I always thought looked really muddy but, with Valve recently updating the game to allow you to turn off texture filtering, it looks MUCH better!

Definitely worth a playthrough!