22 Reviews liked by Clyde_the_Hobo

Dude that Mode 7 spinning hallway goes so hard.

Arguably the first truly broken Sonic game. long before the rough transition to 3d age where i grew up with sonic.

This game is fun to play but not to beat, not to get a highscore, but its bonkers fun to try and break via speedrun.

I played this constantly trying to figure out if the game was bad or if I was just doing something wrong

Didn't gun one damn star in this game, this blows.

The 8-bit version of Ristar on the Game Gear is if anything even more impressive to look at than the Mega Drive version when considered within the restraints of it's hardware, looking as good or better than many games on 16-bit hardware. Much like the graphics the controls are completely uncompromised too, Ristar controlling near identically to how he does in the 16-bit version. It also mostly doesn't suffer from the same mean difficulty curve towards the end apart from a cruel final boss rush, the levels following a similar path to Sonic the Hedgehog 8-bit with a mix of direct ports, alternate levels with the same themes, and completely original worlds which ends up making Ristar 8-bit worth playing even if you've played the original.

The single most jarring difference between opening cutscene and actual gameplay in any game ever in history. Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy wishes it had what this game has



Beat this years ago but I'm gonna review knack now because fuck it.

There are worse games! This game is objectively pretty bad because it's content is minimal and repetitious, and it's story and characters aren't interesting. But this game has like... "childhood animated movie that wasn't very good but you love it anyway" energy. Like hoodwinked, doogal, alvin & the chimpmunks, monsters vs aliens, etc. It's cool for kids. It isn't annoying though! And it's pretty harmless.

Uhh, but this game's combat doesn't evolve and its overall pretty badly designed. Graphics are cool and the music is nice! But who cares, this game will forever live in infamy for being a terrible ps4 launch title, and being a huge meme for it's glaring mediocrity.


They just casually made the greatest comeback after 26 years 🐐

>play this game
>see oil man's character design

"capcom make a new megaman game"
"make megaman x9"
"everyone wants a new megaman x"
and thus the monkey's paw curled

Unbeatable masterpiece. Get a group of friends and go nuts. Mods can even do absurd things like make certain enemies shrek. Gotta love that.