Worse than Sonic 2006 I don't care what anyone says

I liked it as a kid, probably wouldn't want to go back and play it again to ruin those memories, because boy that soundtrack really sucks. But I genuinely enjoyed the weird story and gameplay

Sonic mega collection minus


I don't like this new Zelda approach personally, the physics are cool but that's about it. This is not the AMAZING MASTERPIECE game everyone thinks it is

Visually, amazing. Next Level Games really outdid themselves with the animations. It's just sad that the gameplay and the direction the game took aren't as good. Not a fan of that cartoony look this and the second have, and it's just overall boring after playing a bit.

This game's only redeeming qualities are the boss battles, but other than that IT SUCKS!!!! This game cannot feel more empty, it's incredible.

Best game that nobody ever wants to play with me, I'm just too good. I'm not kidding I wish I was.

Also mods make this game EVEN better than 5 stars

Game is addicting, but it is not good

1 star purely out of spite because it took so many years from me

Incredibly satisfying gameplay, was a blast to play all the way through, even though some of the killing methods got old later on

I gave it a chance but it was incredibly boring. Really good graphics though! 👍

Terrible single player experience and lackluster presentation being mostly assets from the Wii U tennis game. But makes up for it having one of the most fun and competitive online experiences on the system. It's a fighting game with rackets and it's great. But that's all it is.

Not bad, but not good. Also it has wisps (I hate wisps), Zavok is in the game (god knows why), and Cream got replaced by a bunch of Chao (seriously why)