An updated port that adds basically nothing relevant save for a somewhat fun postgame and making the opening hours less painful. The best way to play gen 7, but gen 7 is mid as hell anyway

Fun to make your own levels, but the existence of the sequel makes this game somewhat invalid

A fun if extremely derivative experience with not much you haven't seen before if you played another 2D Mario game. That being said, it's still a fun game. Just one you won't regret not starting on your deathbed

Great time in either the overworld or Luigi dream world. The same timing based battles you know from the series, but with a standard 'Mario and Luigi save Peach from Bowser' plot instead of the more interesting plots from previous entries. Giant Luigi battles are also a slog to get through, the final one in particular. Would still recommend as a great game with some fun ideas for the series

Fun tech demo for the Wii U, with most games being at least a little enjoyable. Good time in a multiplayer setting

Board design was awful, especially moving everyone into a single car, but had fun minigames and nice boss battles


Interesting concept, but severally lacking in content and probably won't hold your attention for more than a few hours. That being said, I would buy a sequel if it came out

Never getting the hours I spent watching Jacksepticeye play this back am I?

Best Mario sports game. Good roster, great gameplay with some interesting court designs, but the extra modes and minigames are the best part of this game.

Can't afford sleeping pills, at least I got this

How does one of the greatest and most well thought games of it's time get THIS as a direct sequel? I don't consider myself overly critical of media, but this is one of only a few video games I downright despise. I feel the need to mention the few good things it does, however. Some of the worlds feel cool to explore such as Gormott and the lefterian archipelago, even if their status as smaller titans leaves them feeling disconnected instead of pieces of a larger whole like the first game. I also liked Morag and Zeke. That's basically it.
None of the initial characters are likable. Rex is an annoying character who feels like he comes from a crappy anime from a decade ago, with Pyra serving as generic Waifubait (guys she can cook and has giant boobs isn't that cool?) Nia's just kind of a bitch and not in an interesting 'there's more to her here' kind of way like Yukari in Persona 3 (there is more to her but it's not super interesting) and Dromarch who's just kinda there. Then there's Tora, a character who builds an underage looking girl it's implied several times he wants to fuck, and nobody pays any attention to this other than 'that's a bit weird.'
While the first game didn't have the best combat, it's dragged down in 2 dramatically by two things. 1: enemies having a shit load of health and 2: the blade system. Instead of getting new abilities with some crazy method like progressing through the damn game, enemies will drop core crystals that can spawn a new blade, which are like Stands from JoJo's if you removed literally anything cool about them. Most of the time you'll get absolutely useless blades, occasionally getting something decent (which will probably look like an anime girl catering to a weird-ass fetish) getting abilities that are actually good is almost completely RNG dependant, like a shitty free mobile game instead of something you paid 60 euro on. Every blade also has field skills, which are needed to access certain areas of the map. These take a long time to fill, as it individually cycles through every blade in your party that has the field skill needed, only speeding up after multiple failed attempts.
The story is also bland and predictable. I didn't enjoy many story beats revolving around the main 6 characters from the start (even if Zeke and Morag are actually good characters) The start of the game is also unbearable due to the sheer amount of tutorials, which are useless and you will skip, which leads to you skipping the 5% which are actually needed.
Overall, don't play this game. It isn't worth your time.

Great JRPG with a great Yakuza style story easy for newcomers to enjoy which deals with the same themes of brotherhood and why people turn to crime explored very well. Highly recommend the adventures of anime Eric Andre.

Good collection of classic SF games. Only real gripe is that it's just the arcade versions even if better versions exist (such as the PS1 port of alpha 3 with more characters) other than that, a great collection of SF games

Absolute masterclass in fighting game design. The gameplay has various features such as dashing and autocombos to help new players yet is deep enough to be a marvel on a competitive level with it's great 3v3 gameplay. A roster which starts out great and gets even better with DLC. A must play for anyone even slightly interested in either fighting games or Dragon Ball

Fun level design even if some of the later levels can be frustrating. Some cool extras and the extra characters are cool even if you'll more than likely be sticking to Sonic. Goes on sale often so check it out if you want