It's just two fun puzzle games put together with a decent story mode and fun extras. Great multiplayer game.

Great adaptation of the source material with a killer soundtrack and great gameplay even if it is a little slow near the beginning until you level up and get better moves. Highly recommend if you're a fan of the series

Amazing racing game and the peak of Mario spin offs. Great roster with little filler and fun karts, with a great track selection to boot. Loses a point to it being a bit too chaotic at times and feeling like there's little control. Still a must play for racing game fans

Great return to form for Mario with fun if generic platforming levels. Also has some 2 player content and a minigame collection that honestly could have been it's own game. A fun experience for any Mario fan

Extremely fun tower defence game. Don't have much else to say because you've probably already played PvZ at this point

Great speed oriented gameplay and a story that's fun and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Quality Sonic experience

Fun minigames and a decent show of the Wii's capabilities, even if we all bought this game for the cheap wiimote that came with it

Mediocre minigames too obsessed with the wiis motion controls with some great boards and a fun character selection.

Great game. Fun challenging levels to play as either Donkey Kong or the easier Funky mode, who's his own character with great gameplay. Amazing level design with the platforms all blending into the background, especially levels where it falls around you and creates new platforms for you to jump on. A must play for any platforming fan

While it has some fun stages and a great story mode, the gameplay itself is easily the worst in the series, with several mechanics such as tripping being made to shoo away competitive players while also worsening the experience for the casual fan. Not really worth going back to unless you want to mod it.

A fun game with a few major issues. I liked all the games characters and the story was great with a few twists I really enjoyed. One thing I disliked was the protagonists ability to rewind time making it so the game would go 'Whoops! you messed up! Go back and do it again.' which wouldn't matter as much if I could make choices, but I can't. Combat is also mostly fun, picking pins to synergize to max the groove and rain hellfire on your enemies. The biggest issue comes from your entire party sharing a health bar, so if you take a strong attack it's a big problem, and enemies with wide AOE attacks like the fucking chameleons (Seriously, even Steve Irwin would hate chameleons if he played this game) having the potential to one shot your party. And while the story is good, it tries to relate to the problems of modern teenagers while also being a direct sequel to the DS original, who's original players would be in their late 20's-early 30's by now, leaving the game floundering for a demographic outside of the small pool of people who played the switch remake or watched the anime adaptation when it came out (which I luckily fit into so I got a lot out of it, but it needs to be said.)
While I personally really enjoyed this game, I can't fully recommend it to people due to it's extremely small demographic of teenagers who also stumbled upon and played the (very good) original. But if you do fall into that, you'll find a great but flawed experience waiting for you

4 fun campaigns with various gameplay styles with writing quality you wouldn't expect from such a basic looking title. The levels can sometimes drag on a bit which prevents me from giving this a full 10/10. Also includes Showdown which while fun, probably won't hold anyone's attention. Highly recommend

Story wise, a great alternate take on before the calamity. One the best musou games I've played as well, with every character feeling distinct and fun to play. The map with it's unique mission are also great. If you enjoyed BOTW, give this game a shot

An absolute masterpiece. Few games can live up to the sheer simplicity or elegance provided by the Chrome Dinosaur game. The minimalist storytelling such as our nameless dinosaur protagonist, why he jumps over the cacti or what he's even running or jumping towards, and why birds try to kill him. When I first got to the night section, my floor was dotted with tears of raw emotion. (which kinda sucked since it's a soft surface and getting the stains out was a pain) and I had to it twice after I was left crying from the ending.
But it is a pure masterclass in gaming, and one which everyone needs to play

I like the cases and the music is great and the characters are likable. Would recommend