Characters are very annoying, but aside from that you've got an RPG with great mechanics and a decently compelling story

Was very impressive, aged like deep fried dog shit

I got this game because it had All Along The Watchtower on it

A significant upgrade from SoulCalibur II

Fantastic campaign and great satire on West Coast US life, The multiplayer is only fun with friends though, also it's a bit too grindy for my taste.

bought this game when i was 7 for for about £5 now it's worth over £100... it's also a really good shoot em up


Mediocre campaign with very little value, surprisingly good multiplayer,

The best thing i can say for this game is the same thing i can say for all Elder Scrolls games, it has a very good box art, i like the nice simple box arts with a symbol on them, instead of the typical menacing guy with weapon box arts.


It's not a terribly special game, but it is a trend setter and it is fairly original with it's art style and mechanics.

A lot of this game was ripped off of PUBG of course. But even then it's effect on the industry is almost unparalleled and eclipses PUBG.

With all that said, Fortnite is boring and it's not even the best battle royale game, things like Realm Royale, Apex Legends and Warzone are much better put together experiences.

The biggest problem with Fortnite that is fixed in those games i mentioned is that there needs to be interesting mechanics in the mean time when you're not fighting, all Fortnite has is mining and vehicles.

In the mean time between battles there needs to be interesting mechanics, and this is one of the battle royales with the most i've seen, having the guns be quite customizable helps with the flow of the game, as it will take a while for you to be completely satisfied with your guns, so the incentive to get into combat and to loot is still there, hiding in a corner of the map isn't the optimal strategy unless you've decked out a shotgun. And even then with the addition of Trackers in the game you can be found out. This is the best Battle Royale to date with Warzone in second place.

imagine super smash bros, then imagine something that's painfully mediocre. then put those two things together.

The only thing that pulls this off of a 10/10 for me is how confusing the castle is. I know it's supposed to be but sometimes it's a bit much. I've completed this game 4 times in life and on the 4th i still needed to look up parts when i got stuck because i forgot the order of things.

somewhat revolutionary for the time, so i can't give it a 5/10.