God tier. Only this score because of the subsequent updates that I will like more

This has no right to slap as hard as it does. Neo Geo has some bangers

Game has no right being this good

Breaking a possessed chair with a 2x4 may be the most satisfying looking, sounding, and feeling thing in video games.

One of the best 1D beat ‘em ups. Gorgeous, awesome soundtrack, and even better audio design. Some of the combat and level design is weak, but still a very good game overall.

Past me: "Absolutely incredible pixel art and soundtrack. However, in a genre where gameplay is king, the combat is definitely too stiff, and the enemy variety is definitely lacking. I expect to really like the sequels (and remake) a lot more."

Current me: Shut up past me. This game is very good and feels better to play than your tiny brain can comprehend.

Don’t think this game deserves the hate it sometimes gets (tho I did play the English translation of the Japanese version). Absolute banger

One of the best soundtracks of all time

One of my favorite isometric retro racers I’ve played

Despite being held back bay a few repetitive levels and an out of place industrial world (that is luckily redeemed by the last world), DKC is one of the best platformers I have ever played, and one of Nintendo’s best games. So excited to see how this art style, score (my god the score), collectibles, and level design evolve over the trilogy.

Baby's first Tetris (but like in a very good way)

The best platformer Nintendo never made. Perfectly adapts Nintendo’s design philosophy (watch this vid to understand what I mean:
https://youtu.be/dBmIkEvEBtA?si=bvuh3J2jSaN1Bl4y ) into something incredible exciting and new.

I know some people complain about how short it is, but it’s honestly perfectly paced (outside of the out of place boss fights that halt your momentum and speed) with incredibly unique mechanics and designs thrown into pretty much every level. It left me wanting more, which is the perfect way to end a game. Can’t wait to randomly single-sitting replay this every once in a while, and I’m definitely going to go back to 100% this once and do some time trials.

Would love to see this turned into a full game. Lots of potential

One of the best solitaire games I’ve played, and a must play for any fan of the genre

This game is absolutely vital. An ode to mutual aid and social collectivism. An important educational tool about conservation and the threat of capitalism to native people, animals, and land. An adorable mix of A Short Hike, Tchia, and Pokémon Snap that I think is more consistently meaningful and pleasant than any of those three. A great soundtrack, simple yet beautiful art direction, and worthwhile writing that is meant for children but also hits for adults. A must play.