Fun game, yes its repetitive however it's fun IMO, from the different areas to the characters it's just fun.

While waiting for the game to load I realize I don't even care about seeing what this game is about honestly #hater

dead game, in a world where BF1 doesn't exist I still woudn't play this

Relaxing but my god controls are kind of wonky and its fairly hard to tell where he grass has been cute and where it hasn't been.

Solid remaster 10/10, cant wait for Smart Fridge port

Pretty but shallow, type of game I'd fall asleep to

Very easy and personally relaxing game, doesn't have a lot of content however the setting just appeals to me and I can enjoy this game turn after turn, while watching a long youtube video or movie on my second screen.

Wonderful game, reminds me of the good old flash days, oozes theme as well

Boring..... generic ass piano song, soul-less environments with nothing to look at why is the fox barking??

If you into tabletop Gloomhaven but don't have the space or time this game is for you. My only complain is that I wish it looked more like a board game instead of a video game, still cool.

Uhmm it's a game... that's for sure, maybe If i was a baby boomer I would've enjoyed it more

One of the better Warhammer games, personally big fan of the Adeptus Mechanicus faction and lore so I enjoyed the game, however i do think that somebody less into the Warhammer lore wont find it as enjoyable, at it's core it's not a AMAZING game, it's a decent one.

I'm to brain dead for this shit