"Can we get Simpsons Arcade?"

"We have Simpsons Arcade at home"

Simpsons Arcade at home:

Clash of Clans with jaundice

Was infinitely more satisfying flinging them off the stage than playing normally; the screen wobble and loud THUNK just tickled something in my 10 year old brain.

Put Perry the Platypus in it, then we'll talk.

Me escaping from Konami’s headquarters with the only surviving hard drive of P.T.’s game data shoved up my ass.

You get a better score the more minion's you belt off the stage, so it's not all bad.

More mechanical depth than half of Sonic Forces lmao

Raiders of the Looming Lawsuit

I’m starting to think we should blame mobile gaming for inspiring the AAA industry to treat glorified expansions as full on sequels. It’s not directly mobiles fault, but it’s definitely been an influence.

Little green shit eating you out of your house with his insatiable hunger. No matter how much you feed him, he can only be satiated for so long, his desire for flesh will never be quenched.