Finally, a Sonic game where I can make him jump, that’s a feature that’s been sorely lacking from the series up until now.

It’s alright. Put Sonic in it and it would probably go hard

Mario Kart Tour shaking in its boots rn

Didn’t they already go to space like 6 months ago?

Childhood is when you idolise the birds, adulthood is when you realise the pigs make more sense.

Best one cause it has silly gravity mechanics

Really funny this was discontinued not long before rumours of the blue macaw going fully extinct started surfacing. It's all Angry Birds Rio's fault!

They put hats on the pigs, so now its better.

Rare footage of the limbless birds of Bird Island rebelling against their tyrannical dictatorship via suicide bombing (2009, colourised)


A ground-breaking narrative feat that is the pinnacle of in-game storytelling. Sharing the themes of Greek myths 'The Fall of Icarus' and 'Sisyphus', this title blends its simple gameplay loop with a symbolic story about how the players own actions, in an attempt to reach their goal, causes their greed and pride to grow, eventually resulting in their downfall, leading them back to where they started.

Each step you take toward your objective only brings you closer to your inevitable demise; the snake growing bigger with each dot increasing your chances of failure. It's notable that no matter how many times you play, improving your strategy and learning from your mistakes, no matter how good you get, no-one can ever win the game of Snake, only lose it.

Pretty impressive for a God of War style licenced game on the DS; it has more than 2 combos.

Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows.
From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!

How it feels to be born after 1995

The current economy may be in shambles, with the cost of living exploding every month, the planet is also on the verge of spontaneously combusting, much to the geriatric corporate/social elitist 1%'s disinterest, as all they can tell us is how selfish people are being and how much easier we have it compared to back in the day, while they continue to fund the genocide of third world nations, so they can amuse themselves by watching the world tear itself apart, and there's nothing we can do to fix it, so we should consider ourselves lucky if we can make it past another 10 years...

but hey, at least we're not alone in it all...

Same deal as Left 4 Dead imo; great time with friends, but when you fly solo, you realise the game's kinda meh. Both are built around the idea of having friends, so maybe it's unfair to critique that element, but at that point, is it really the game you're enjoying, or the company you have with you?

Either way, the heist mechanics here are still better than GTA V's, so this was something to migrate to when we got tired of that game.