This was the future of gaming and the absolute troglodytes at Nintendo let it slip from their grasp.

Imagine where we would be today if Nintendo didn't screw it all up... we could have had it all...

At no point do you get to play as Mort.

Dogshit game.

This blew my cock off when I was a kid. Getting to use the PokéWalker addon with my copy of HeartGold to transfer my team from one game to another was like actual magic.

Call me old, but Pokémon Home just lacks that sauce the old transferring systems used to have. So corporate and sterile now; having to pay a subscription to store more than 30 Pokémon is actually disgusting.

Sports games on DS are cursed. Like why would you do this?

This becoming a biannual series for a decade perfectly encapsulates the weird place these franchises were during the mid to late 2000s, and in Sonic's case, I really miss that weird side of the franchise; it slowly fading away during each of the later Olympic releases.

Translating a sports mini-game collection on the Wii into a touch-screen, Cooking Mama-esque, mini-game collection on the DS was certainly... a choice.

Imagine how demoralizing it was for kids in the 2000s, pining for an official Mario & Sonic crossover game, only to get a glorified advertisement for the Beijing Olympic Games.

I miss when multi-plat releases got these weird handheld versions that were completely different games.

It's better than watered down ports that are objectively the worst versions, because companies can't be bothered to properly optimize their bloated, 100GB, "Next-Gen" games for the Switch.

It's like if Netflix made a live-action adaptation of Panty & Stocking. That is not a compliment…

Combat fucks, so that makes up for it I guess.

Ignore the rating, I actually hate this game.

Who knew that the thing it took to get solid Ubisoft games, where evident care and passion is displayed by genuinely talented developers, was by having Nintendo heavily moderate them throughout; almost like Nintendo have actual standards of quality when it comes to their products, meaning they give the team time to... finish the game...

The Season Pass was probably a way to keep the Ubisoft higher-ups from throwing a tantrum at the lack of "in-game purchases".

Filled with so many weird design choices that leave me stumped as to what the thought process was. For some reason, holding the attack button while moving doesn't cause you to run like 90% of other side-scrollers... it makes you walk...

At what point in this game would the player think to themselves “jeez, all this sluggish jogging back and forth between locations is a little too fast paced for my liking, maybe I should WALK INSTEAD”.

The Yoshi's when a human baby lands on their island:
"We have to help this poor baby"

The Yoshi's when they lay an egg:
"Oh sweet, ammunition"