Was sorting through my 3DS collection and stumbled onto this. I repressed way more of my childhood than I realised. But hey, at least I managed to come out of it relatively well adjusted...

It's like a playable CBeebees program, but a really charming one that actually respects children's intelligence.

It's also an existentialist nightmare dissecting the horrors that comes from mortal beings attempting to play god, after the morals behind an omnipotent being's control over the world they inhabit are questioned. The illusion of free-will has been broken with the players consistent presence within the story as "you", and the game dares to ask that if we were to discover the existence of entities beyond our comprehension controlling the fabric of reality, if it is best that we simply comply, like the protagonist and their companions on the journey, or attempt to fight back and seal our own fates like how the Scraps do, who are the real heroes of the story.

Ultimately, this leads to an insane meta-commentary of the illusion of free-will mentioned earlier; the player having to question the ethics behind their actions and whether they themselves are truly in control of the story, or are simply being puppeted much like Atoi, coming full circle. The Scraps being brainwashed to conforming with the rest of the characters, as the actual player must grapple with the heinous acts they have committed after learning the Scraps true intentions, feeling a further disconnect from the character of "you".

Fed up with the world they're forced to reside in, Atoi manages to escape and is sent to a new reality, where they can build a new world, to make their own stories, using the abilities "you" bestowed upon them to control their own fate, until it dawns on them... they've become just like "you". Atoi goes beyond anything any other character before them has gone before, using their newfound capabilities to create an escape from the actual video-game, slowly crawling their way out and ending the game... no longer in the game. This bullshit reality they was brought into to is no longer to their concern, because it isn't real, it's just a pre-determined hell that you (the player) mindlessly follow along with, controlling Atoi's every whim, under the impression that "you" (the character) is just an extension of yourself and not some depraved entity playing mind games with you, as a way to torment everyone in the world into following "you's" every sociopathic whim. Atoi can truly go and live away from it all, while you must sit with everything that has just happened; Atoi reading you the story of everything you made them do under the orders of "you", leaving you with nothing but regret, you could have stopped at any point... but you didn't... it's all your fault...

It's really cute and it made me smile. :)

Infamous First Light has the most accurate depiction of a panic attack in media I’ve seen— this is EXACTLY how it feels. You can’t think, can’t speak, and sometimes even the sound of a loved one trying to help gets drowned by your heart beating out of your chest.

Holy crap, the traversal in this game is so fun, the movement gets so much better with each entr- they got rid of rail grinding...

I hate you SuckerPunch

Can't believe I just played 16 hours of disgusting American propaganda.

World famous Left Pong Paddle from the hit title Pong is currently on a rampage, slaughtering hundreds of young Paddles in cold blood. Mr Paddle is currently being taken in for questioning, more at 11.


This is it guys, we've peaked here, time to pack it all up, there's absolutely no topping this, we've reached the pinnacle of human existence with two rectangles and a square.

This really says a lot about our society.

I was going comment on how this game gave me a stroke and I kept rewinding because fuck this game, but then I realised I had no idea how to power up, because I thought it happened automatically when collecting the orange things.

It was only when I reached the final level, wondering why I was still so damn weak that I realised I actually had to activate them, so I made this experience extra miserable for myself...

I feel like a filthy game journalist.

(games still evil even with the power-ups, so I don't even know what my point is. I'm a dumbass I guess)

If Galaxian was described as Space Invaders on drugs, then Galaga is basically Galaxian on drugs.

Ms. Pac-Man? Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? Shouldn't it be Pac-Woman? Maybe Pac-Man is their surnames? Anyways, sorry to hear about the divorce, I'm sure AtGames is taking good care of you...

It's Pac-Man but there's actual levels now, so it's better. Too bad I'll never get past the 2nd maze because I suck balls at this game.

"(insert inflation fetish/deviantart joke here)" - funny original internet person #2,367,487

Oh dear god! The Space Invaders have developed an actual battle strategy... They can move of their own free will! That's it man! Game over man! IT'S GAME OVER!