This was a very interesting puzzle game that plays with perspective and a mind-bending environment while telling a story of a man and woman's relationship. I found the story to be more intriguing than the puzzles, but this was an enjoyable game especially since it came free with PS+ for March.

Control is a great action game with interesting mechanics. The combat does take a little while to get used to as it is very different than many other third-person action shooters. The story is unique and kept me wanting to play more, despite some of the frustrations I had with the combat. For a game included on PS Plus, I highly recommend that you add this to your library.

This game had a lot of potential. Night City was an awesome area to explore with an interesting story and characters. The gameplay itself was fun, but not groundbreaking in any way. The near-constant bugs were what really broke the immersion for me. Perhaps a few months after CDPR has had time to patch out the bugs, this game will be better enjoyed.

An excellent platformer that makes great use of the DualSense's new features. Highly recommend anyone who likes platformers to try this out, especially since it's free and preinstalled on the PS5.