187 Reviews liked by CrispyBoy

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Genuinely this game would be a perfect 5 stars if the "true endgame" didnt exist. Boring running around dependant on how many ferrystones you've saved, unless youd are to go outside a town where every monster feels like a make-a-wish little leaguer taking on the Green Bay Packera. Not to mention getting to this true ending is already confusing enough, but figuring out the stupid rules it has within the time limit is virtually impossible first try (which is all you get because of the ironman save system in this). Tldr it feels heavily bogged down by TRYING to be way more complicated than needed on a 1 save style game.

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I came back to this version of the game to play the Iki island expansion and decided to play the main story again for the first time since 2020. This remains as one of my favourite games of all time, a mix of a powerful story, amazing combat and breath-taking visuals from start to finish.

To start with the story, the game is set in the late 13th century on the island of Tsushima off the coast of Japan during the Mongol invasion. You play as Jin Sakai, a Samurai who has to grapple with sticking to the Samurai code or breaking it to defeat the invaders. The main game was a lot shorter than I remember it being, with 24 main missions, 25 if you include the prologue. From the second this game starts, you are hit with everything that it has to offer, The Battle of Komoda Beach is probably the best opening in any game I personally have played, the sheer hopelessness as the Mongol army cuts down every Samurai fills you with dread. From here on the game has Jin gathering allies in order to defeat the Mongol invaders and their leader Khotun Khan. During this, Jin deviates from the Samurai code and becomes "The Ghost" in order to safe his people. This is the backbone of the games story, having Jin put in places where he has to break his code to get one over on the enemy whilst being stuck between his allies and his uncle, Lord Shimura. There are a few notable missions but most do feel quite similar but are made better by the combat, My favourite missions is the battle in Yarikawa and the scene where Jin unlocks the ghost stance. I really like how they portray "The Ghost" part of Jin's story as while he thinks he is doing the right thing, it isn't as clean cut as that. In particular the scene where he poisons the Mongol troops in Castle Shimura, he ends up giving the Mongols the ability to make his poison, I like how there are both good and bad sides to what Jin is doing and it isn't as clean cut as Jin good, Samurai bad. One complaint I have is that Jin very easily breaks the Samurai code and I wish they had spent more time having him grapple with the decisions he makes. I also think that they could have maybe made the game a few missions longer as Act 3 ends very quickly only being like 5 missions long. The final missions however, where Jin duels Lord Shimura is so perfectly crafted, similarly to the prologue mission, it has everything that makes this game amazing present. Powerful story, amazing combat, breath taking visuals and a sensational score.

Jin is a really interesting protagonist, considering the whole game revolves around him, he is great in the leading role. Daisuke Tsuji gives an amazing lead performance. Khotun Khan is a very imposing villain, appearing very few times but his presence is felt throughout. Lord Shimura is a great side character, his relationship with Jin is a main focus of the story and is hit out the park. I also really liked Yuna and Lady Masako both being very good side characters and Masakos side quest was my favourite of them.

This game also has my favourite combat system, I think that the sword combat in this game is amazing and it makes the bordering on repetitive missions fun regardless. Jin has 4 stances he can use that are effective on specific enemies, those enemies being regular swordsmen, shield users, spearmen and brutes. The stances are obtained by killing a certain number of Mongol generals, I like that they arent locked behind story progression and effectively you could unlock every stance as soon as you finish the first act. There are also a number of other weapons/items like bows, kunai's, powder bombs and dart guns , providing you with enough weapons to make every encounter unique. I like the horse traversal but half the time it is unnecessary as the fast travel in this game is absolutely insane. Taking seconds to travel from one side of the map to the other, rivalling spiderman 2 for quickest fast travel, and this game game out 3 years before it. I like the way the boss battles are done in a duelling way. Playing on normal, I found most of them quite challenging. I do wish there was a bit more mission variety as most consisted of attacking bases of enemies or tracking someone, It does get a bit repetitive near the end.

Visually this game is stunning, full of vibrant colours and beautiful landscapes. If not for The Last of Us Part 2, this would probably be the best looking game on last gen consoles. Im not sure how accurate the map is to real life, but I think SuckerPunch managed to capture the beauty of Japan really well. The score is equally as amazing, each track fits the moment perfectly, especially in boss fights.

The PS5 directors cut adds enough content to satisfy the price. The Iki island DLC is a good story experience with Jin travelling to the island where his father was killed. He is faced with "The Eagle" who poisons him and forces him to face the guilt he feels over his fathers death. Jin also comes face to face with the man who killed his father and has to overcome his desire for revenge and help the people of Iki island defeat the Mongol invaders. It also adds a couple new side quests, new collectables and minigames to play whilst travelling the island. Very fun experience.

Ghost of Tsushima still sits high on my list of favourite games, it is enjoyable from the minute you turn it on. 100% recommend

Im deciding to log this now as I think my time with this game has came to an end and I dont see myself playing it often enough in the future to put it off anymore.

Lethal Company had the online world in a chokehold earlier this year and seems currently to have been knocked off this position by Helldivers 2. This is one of the most unique ideas for a game I have seen in a long time and through the couple times I have played it I had a blast. There are a few essential parts you need to properly enjoy this game, you need to play with friends and you need to use the proximity chat. The proximity chat feature is amazing and hearing your friends scream off in the distance is both hilarious and terrifying. Running around in the facilities is so tense its brilliant. After doing some research we found one of the better strategys was having someone stay on the ship and direct the three others using the cameras which was a lot of fun using the walkie talkies to communicate. Id recommend trying this playstyle out if you havent its a lot of fun even for the person on the ship.

The gameplay loop has you and 3 teammates landing on random moons to gather enough scrap to reach your quota. However you are getting attacked by ruthless and unforgiving monsters that will leave your whole squad dead within minutes of stepping off your ship.

I love the visuals, gives off old school gmod vibes mixed with a new style. Also apparently there is secret lore hidden on each planet which is cool.

I wish that I could spend more time with this game but my problem specifically is that me and all my friends primarily are on PlayStation so we dont find ourselves playing this often. I don't doubt I will probably play this again in the future as it is a fantastic multiplayer experience and I hope this game keeps its audience as it deserves all its praise.

seasonal content so boring it took me until now to finish it. Everything about it was meh except Crota's end which technically isn't even a part of the season anyways.

The only thing keeping this from being 5 stars is the cheap seeming models for some characters. Honestly the game's action anime vibe in general would've worked amazing in full 2D art if Ubisoft had the balls.

Thank you for giving me Nel the best Fire Emblem character of all time (not really but she's great).

I kinda wish the mirror world was given more time to shine in terms of the inverted royals and Elyos, but I get that the story is actually meant to be focused on Nel and Nil.

Coming off the back of the OG season which was Fortnite's biggest player peak ever, this season in my opinion really delivers. I love the addition of weapon modifications, they make the smaller loot pool feel very different each game. New map took a bit of getting used to for me but in the end I liked the locations enough.

Battlepass was pretty good, Peter Griffin being in it feels like a fucking fever dream. I think that Fortnite is moving away from doing an overall storyline which at this time in the games lifespan might be the best move. The addition of the other games was novel at first but I haven't touched any of them in months. Quick ranking below:

1. Fortnite Festival - (Im a big guitar hero fan so fav by default)
2. Lego Fortnite - (Really cool concept but not enough content)
3. Rocket Racing - (From what I played it was the same thing over and over again)

I really enjoyed this season, eager to see where Fortnite goes from here

One of the most fun multiplayer experiences I have ever had. As of right now Ive put around 9 hours into this game over a few play sessions and don't intend on stopping any time soon.

Dropping into the war torn planets and immediately getting blasted by dozens of enemies is so chaotic and fun. I much prefer fighting the robots to the bugs as it feels so much more hectic as they move in a more formatted way compared to the bugs that just swarm you.

I really like this games movement, it uses its stamina system very well and it doesn't feel annoying at all. Diving away from hordes of enemies feels so awesome but can get you stuck in weird spots if you aren't careful.

Weapon wise its not bad, I've only used the base AR and the machine pistol but I really dont think that semi auto weapons will work that well in a battle scenario at this scale but I could be wrong as I have yet to try it myself.

Visually the game looks amazing and I haven't noticed any frame drop on PS5 despite the massive amounts of enemies. The game also has some great music for the small parts that it is used in.

I'm not entirely aware if this game has any hidden story or not but I have seen a lot of stuff online about it but know very little so I wont make any comment on it.

Moving forward I hope that more mission variety is added, while the missions themselves aren't the main focus I would like to see a bit more diverse missions just to keep it from getting stale. I also hope more factions of enemies get added, but from what I can tell that is coming soon in updates. Small nit pick but I wish there was a bit more character customisation mainly because I would like to edit the colours on the suits.

One of the best multiplayer games out right now and its half the price of your average AAA release. I really have to commend the devs for being able to deal with the massive server issues that happened after its launch. 100% recommend

boring dude... my previously played game was persona 3 reload and my thoughts on that game were "wow the story is cool but grinding nothingburger boring floors is... fucking boring!!" and then side order drops and im like wow so excited for that, octo expansion was so cool!! and then i load it up and its grinding nothingburger boring floors with bosses scattered within (BORING IM SO FUCKING BORED MY BRAIN IS FRIED I NEED STIMULATION!!!)

two thoughts:
1. i feel like i cant really review this because i beat it on my second run. i havent even experimented with the other weapons yet.
2. pearl and marina sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g

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Unfortunately held back by the inherent flaws seen in any other roguelike, where level design kinda has to accomodate for every single possible weapon, so you don't see a lot of unique layouts because of that, rather only seeing stages where some weapons are superior and other weapons are annoying at worst, but never impossible; definitely makes this DLC stand out less than Octo Expansion in my eyes, where every level was deliberately designed around a strict set of challenges best achieved by a selection of a few different weapons

Of course another classic roguelike paradigm is having a run live or die on your luck with upgrades, or level setups, or what have you; a problem that could boil down to "skill issues" but also doesn't feel very satisfying when you can't learn anything from a run where bad luck made you lose or a run where good luck made you win

Another issue is how repetitive the game feels in objectives, having only like 4 different ones to choose from and then only a whopping 4 bosses (2 of which are randomly picked for each run, and the final boss doesn't change); for something that was hyped up for over a year I don't think it really lived up to it

That said, as a person who both likes roguelikes and loves Splatoon, this is still a very fun campaign, and they absolutely deliver on giving us more gay cephalopod content; despite all the words I wrote that would lead people to believe I hated this expansion, I found myself having a lot of fun with the synergies you can accomplish with the color chips

If you either A: hate roguelikes, B: hate Splatoon, C: are homophobic, or D: are a combination of the three choices, don't bother with this

EDIT: Beat the game with every palette, my main complaints still stand but Agent 8's palette offers a really unique challenge, especially if you pair it up with the risky rewards upgrade; definitely worth giving challenge runs a shot for this I think
Also gonna dock points for having just so little interesting lore bits, we really only get characterization for Acht and Off The Hook; Agent 8 gets very little, Agent 4 gets even less, and Cipher is just a dude

They didn't top Octo Expansion, but let's be real: will they ever?

Oh my god can you two fucking KISS ALREADY OH MY GOD-

Octo Expansion was so much better.

The main story and Roguelike mode lacks any real meat. I'm honestly shocked at how barebones the experience feels with a lack of mission types and enemy variety. I'm honestly not sure how this took way longer to release than Octo Expansion. I definitely prefer the handcrafted levels Octo Expansion and the Splatoon 3 campaign had.

Pearl and Marina were awesome though (so much better than Deep Cut), and the music/aesthetic were great. Ending was peak as per usual with these Splatoon campaigns.

Honestly not the sendoff I wanted for Splatoon 3 considering how disappointed I've been with the title compared to Splatoon 2. That said Side Order is still worth it especially since a Roguelike mode brings something completely new to the table

EDIT: After 100% the DLC yeah this a super mediocre Roguelike with little difficulty, very disappointed. Also really no secret boss/level like Octo Expansion and Splatoon 3's campaign?