10/10 game, really creative story gameplay and art direction, would recommend to others.

Really good game, improves on the original a lot in both traversal and combat gameplay. Story so far is excellent as well. Only reason why this isn't a 5/5 is because the game feels really poorly optimized on my PS5, even after the day 1 patch that claimed it would better optimize the game. The graphics, especially on cutscenes, are at times blurry, pixely, and out of focus, and buildings seemingly pop into existence before your eyes as you travel around New York. Some sections of the game are also too dark or too bright even after I spent a solid hour on the settings adjusting graphics. The game also has some bugs such as animations on the player and non player characters glitching and not working midway through gameplay. Hopefully these issues are solved soon as I did not expect this low optimization from insomniac. Besides that Spider-Man 2 is a good sequel to the first game, that is only topped by Spider-Man Miles Morales in my opinion.

Being completely honest here, I think that this game got way to much hate than it deserved. Now I can agree that at launch this game was pretty messy but changes were made. So if you're like me and you're playing this game a few months after its launch I'd recommend it especially since its price has dropped. It has a decent story although the ending sucked, it has good graphics, and is really easy to get the platinum on as all achievements can be obtained fairly easy in one playthrough.

Really enjoyable and fun game and definitely one of my favorite games on the Xbox 360. I'll never forget getting this on a snowing Christmas morning when I was 6, followed by my parents saying we were going on a trip to Disney world to see the real pirates of the Caribbean. Great times.

This game taught me the valuable lesson of "never close the game while the loading icon is present". Did that and it corrupted my save file and made me restart from the beginning. Besides that this is a decent game overall even though it just follows the "toys to life" bandwagon that was popular at the time thanks to Skylanders.

This game, minecraft, and Halo were my childhood playing games on the Xbox 360. Loved doing the PVP mode that this game had on split screen with my friends back in the day. If I could give this game more than 5 stars I would.

Not giving this game a 2.5 star review because its bad or anything, but just because I got this game as a gift many many years ago from my dad when I was still a kid but he never bothered to get me part 1, so when I played the game I was lost as to what was happening (especially because at the time I was so young I had never seen any Indiana Jones movies) and due to that ended up not enjoying it very much.

First video game I ever played. Got it on my xbox 360 back when I was 6. Great game that represents a great time in my life.

Great game that was my childhood growing up with an Xbox 360. I remember the long days and nights that I would spend with my friends playing away in our worlds on this thanks to split screen. I know this version of the game doesn't have as many updates as the modern version, and that the world isn't infinite, but times were simple back then. Those were the good old days.

Really cool game that can really make you feel like your piloting a plane if you play it right. If you get past the sometimes blurry visuals on quest and a few instances of motion sickness from the flying, this game can be a blast to play. It also has a online mode that you can play with friends and plane customization which is cool.

Fun little game to play when you have nothing to do and just have an urge to chop fruit. Simple game that doesn't due much more than grab the original game, and turn it into VR with a few small additions. Only issue I had is that bombs keep blowing up and making me lose for no reason, even when my blades are no where near them.

One of my favorite games ever. Shooting Nazis with some super satisfying gameplay, and beautiful graphics, I don't think there's much more that needs to be said.

This is a good game with decent graphics, but where it stands out is in its realism. In the game there are almost no huds, or anything that breaks immersion. Crafting is done by your character having to physically open a backpack and build things, there is no mini map and instead when you want to see where you are your character must also physically pull out a map. Its the details like these that make you truly feel immersed in the games world and is what makes the game shine despite lacking in some other areas.

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Got this off of Xbox Gamepass during the Covid lockdown and it really had me hooked. Gameplay isn't nothing ground breaking, and can get really repetitive, but despite that I kept playing and enjoying myself. The nemesis system that makes procedurally generated bosses keeps the game fresh and interesting, and gives you a Pokémon like feeling as you catch and dominate orcs and make your army. The story though nothing amazing at first redeemed itself in the later half, and talion is still one of my favorite protagonists ever. Although his fate was also tragic, it was nice seeing him get peace at the end.

Fun party game to play either online or locally with your friends. Only thing holding it back is a small selection of maps, no recent updates, (as far as I'm aware) and serves that consistently crash or don't load.