10 reviews liked by CursoryLeader13

It may not be the most mechanically deep platformer, but I would totally buy a full game level follow-up. Feels like they only scratched the surface with this.

if they released a full sequel it would be a 10/10, just as good as any nintendo platformer. very short

This is the best 3D platformer I have ever played, and this is literally a tech demo. This game has no right to be this good

Game is about 20hrs too long, I enjoyed the first half of the story however it could have ended much sooner. The gameplay loop isn't good enough to be a 50hr game, however fine for about 20-30hrs.

I actually didn't find the main character that bad, some of the missions had pacing issues though considering it's meant to be somewhat of an action game.

It's really just the definitive package for this series. It includes the main campaigns for the first two games along with a TON of DLC to go through. It's got hours and hours of fun and argument between friends (that may ruin friendships). I can really only recommend if you have 4 friends to play it in couch co-op. It obviously supports 1-3 players but I think 4 is easily the most fun. It also helps if they're ok at video games (and slicing the damn lettuce) but it's really not necessary as I've played this with family members who don't play video games. Anyways a great game with tons of content.

holy crap this has a lot of content in it. Honesty one of the stand-out games i've played this year. Keep in mind, friends are MANDATORY in order to play this properly, so make sure you have 2 or 3 people to play with. Otherwise, keep away since the single player and even two-player modes are not worth playing. However, be prepared for this to take not only a very long time to actually make it through all the games and DLC, as this contains Overcooked 1, Overcooked 2, and all of the DLCs for both. Also expect a lot of fighting between friends as people don't do their jobs properly, or just flat out do not cooperate. All in all, if you have the friends to play this with, I'd highly reccomend this game if you've never played an overcooked game before. For Overcooked veterans that have played 1 and 2 already, you already own all this stuff no need to really buy it all over again.

like doom eternal but family friendly