The Real New Super Mario Bros. game.


Ryza 1 was one of my favorite games I played last year and it was great to experience, and I would never think that Ryza 2 would do what any sequel should do: Improve on the shortcomings of the first journey and make this game its own beast at the same time. Nearly everything was improved and I can say that this is one of the best games of 2021. Some of the ruins exploration might take a bit too long for 100%, but the massive amount of content poured into this one is a real wholesome treat. Only play this one if you've played the first one though, too.

I felt like a Spider Boy, alright
This whole package with the main game and DLC was way better than I thought. Gorgeous visuals, great combat, classic comic book storytelling with awesome VA work. Just wonderful. I can do without some side activities being repetitive and some of the stealth missions though.

Metroid Fusion is tight. Sure, for me, it has a few too many of those "secret but required" pathways you have to find because I'm a dummy, but playing this game was a freaking treat. Very tight controls and downright unsettling.

For a long time, I felt intimidated by this game and always started but never finishing it. I was afraid that I wasn't gonna like it as much as everyone else did. I love being wrong. Honestly, aside from the wall jumping being a little awkward and the default control scheme being a butt (which you can customize thank god), I see Super Metroid as the certified classic it is.



Although the control is just fine, it feels like almost everything else in that game doesn't line up with what DOOM is supposed to be. I don't want a realistic, horror DOOM where I'M SCARED MOMMY. All the other DOOMs got it right, this one doesn't. Plus some frustrating design choices like unskippable cutscenes, most enemy designs feel like a different game, and slow pacing. I don't recommend this at all.


Cyber Hook is a very cool speedrunner game. Seeing all the cool ways that people clear these levels as fast as possible is really something to see. It's also very simple. You hook, you clear level, the end. Using the hook and other abilities and trying to do them as fast as possible is really fun. Despite having those BS levels where you either do-or-die and having very few songs, this is a great time and I can safely recommend this!

-Gameplay is fast and easy to grasp
-The graphics are very Tron-like
-Competing for your and other's fastest times is exhilarating.

-Very few songs
-Do-or-die levels can die. I didn't like stuff like Hover or Urban Jungle or any level where if you mess up, you die.

Short as hell, but oddly I was smiling from start to finish. I dunno how I got attached to a harem of demon chicks but here we are. The puzzles definitely fried my non-puzzle brain but I think Helltaker makes it perfectly clear that there's no shame in skipping a puzzle. The one and only boss fight was surprisingly really good and thought-out. Overall, it's a short game, but it was filled with personality and charm. That whole ending was a joy.


We already have a remake of Gen 4. It's called Platinum. Good times, though!

This is my first ever Metroid game. After not having the courage to finish any Metroid just because I got lost, in comes Dread to finally give me the tools and the design and the control NEEDED to finally finish a Metroid title. What a fricking game.

GOD THIS METROID IS A POWER MOVE. Of course, I didn't 100% it because I've heard horror stories, but aside from Mother Brain being a butt and Ridley being kinda weak-sauce, this game is kino material.

and fort condor too