61 Reviews liked by Cyadical

you had to be there for the peak

used to scam the shit out of people on this sos if that was you

If it wasn't for my love of dinosaurs, i'd think this game was pretty bad. The community and official servers alike are very laggy, but the gameplay is good in a vacuum

literally the game i dreamt about as a child, very chill (in the right server) and fun from my experience

My first Ratchet game and I'm so glad it was <3

completely baseless theory but there is a huge dichotomy of people who play this franchise and people who enjoy vanilla missionary sex

Wish the Wii/PS2 version had a seperate listing because I feel like those 10 diehard fans would up the rating so fast and it's so different from every other version of this game. (Or any Petz game for that matter)

This game is my whole childhood and I will love it until the day I die. Currently working on a gijinka Ivlet cosplay and no that is not a joke.

This game is nowhere near perfect but it's one of my favourite if not my all-time favourite game! It's the only game I ever speedrun, with my record currently sitting at 3 and a half hours. (Nowhere near the world record but I just like to have fun)

I have so many hours on this game and 100%'d it so many times.

Is it short? Yes. Rushed? Also yes. But is it full of heart, made by a super passionate team and just so fun?? (ESPECIALLY with a friend) YES!

I will forever love this game even though I can play it with my eyes closed these days :')
Easily the best game in this trilogy.

(Oh also the DS version sucks)

Of all the OG Spyro games, the first is the worst, but like only by a margin. The QOL changes from the remaster do improve the experience a tonne. All in all, the OG Spyro trilogy are so so worth playing.

Simple and cute. Can absolutely see a little bit of Ratchet and Clank DNA in this.

If only there were less Batmobile sections

really makes you feel even more like batman

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really makes you feel like batman

The Ballad of Gay Tony feels like Rockstar really ramped up a lot of the carnage that carries over the GTA V.

It was a lot more of a fun story than the main game and TLaD while still maintaining a lot of the chaos that tends to come with GTA which was quite refreshing. I feel like you see a lot of the story from the main game in this DLC from a completely different perspective which im kind of indifferent too.

You do get a bit here and there about Tony and Luis' time together but personally i'd like to have seen more about it or even Luis and his time in the heights.

It was pretty short but all in all, quite enjoyable.

(Review copied from Petz Dogz 2 as I have played both and they're basically the same game)

Wish the Wii/PS2 version had a seperate listing because I feel like those 10 diehard fans would up the rating so fast and it's so different from every other version of this game. (Or any Petz game for that matter)
This game is my whole childhood and I will love it until the day I die. Currently working on a gijinka Ivlet cosplay and no that is not a joke.

(PS. I played the one on DS as a small kid too thinking it would be some perfect port of the PS2/Wii version but yea no the DS version sucks lol, it all goes downhill after the banger titlecard soundtrack)