games that let you inflict major pain on someones balls

feel free to suggest games
do not ask why this exists


1 year ago

In Bulletstorm, you can guide a sniper bullet into someone’s balls to get the “Nutcracker” skillshot.
This is quite the list ever.

1 year ago

You should add Shredder’s Revenge because you do in fact do irreparable damage to balls in that gams

1 year ago

Max Payne 3 (enemies react to crotch shots, theres even challenges around shooting enemies in the crotch)
Sifu (has a move called Crotch Punch)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Boiler Boss)
Postal 2 (you can kick people in the balls, but it's kinda finicky)

1 year ago

I believe stranglehold lets you shoot enemies in the balls too

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