Asks the question: What if CONTRA had personality?

A glorious coming-out party for Treasure, and probably the quintessential non-SONIC Genesis game. An undeniable, irrepressible action classic. There is no way to play this and not have fun.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021


"What if CONTRA had personality" is literally just Metal Slug.

2 years ago

"What if CONTRA had personality" Well then that would be Contra Hard Corps

2 years ago

Came here to say Hard Corps as well

2 years ago

CONTRA: HARD CORPS asks the question: What if GUNSTAR HEROES was made by sadists?

2 years ago

ok that is fair

2 years ago

Contra Hard Corps hard unless you play the shitty English version

2 years ago

isn't hard*

2 years ago

Someone's intimidated by the sheer, raw, hard, foot-long masculinity of 8-bit Contra.
What if Contra was just worse in every way possible? That would be Gunstar Heroes.

1 year ago

contra hard corps is this game but good not sorry

1 year ago

Doesn't matter uncle Ben, midnight resistance is better than both of them