This is the prettiest souls title and the animations are sick. Banger!

Grunt work.

Far Cry's Quantum of Solace.

I like generic 2010's shooter. stop fucking trying so hard.

I successfully got into a fighting game. I'm so cool.

Lives in a strict box where mostly every flaw turns into a stronger strength, one of the buggiest glitch filled games ever made. The charm comes from learning every one and harnessing them in gameplay, endlessly perfect.

I've always been this games strongest soldier, it's a giant mood piece that's always captivated me. Once you realize you working a collaborative main character effort with yourself and V, you can start to see the game in a fun new light. Also look at the fucking thing.

In the Sicario 2015 school of taking great pulp revenge story so goddamn serious , instead we get to drown with Druckmanns annoying thoughts. It's exhausting, but it ain't boring.

The closest games have come to being cool.

-Good stuff-

-Real game direction-

The most romantic game of all time.

They don't go far enough with the exploration of the whole thing, and it ain't aged very well. banger banger banger.