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duhnuhnuh commented on duhnuhnuh's review of Citizen Sleeper
@RedBackLoggd: The part that really struck a chord with me was how the resource scarcity and time management elements added weight to each narrative branch. Going out of your way to help someone actually impacts your own character's survival and your ability to pursue other possible ways off the colony. It makes the decision feel consequential. You can still see all 8 or so endings in a single playthrough with careful resource management, thankfully. The most memorable for me was probably the weirdest one, probably because of the cool hacking plotline you have to follow to get there.

Sure, the characters were well-rounded, a few plot arcs featured some great suspense and excitement, and the transhumanist themes really raised some thoughtful questions. But I think what really made Citizen Sleeper stand out was 1) how the urgency added spice to the story instead of frustration, and 2) how much lore and world-building there is considering the length. It's dense, complex, and pensive experience that really absorbed me for a few days.

4 hrs ago

duhnuhnuh commented on duhnuhnuh's list The Definitive* Ranking of Games**: 2022
@RedBackloggd: I did; Citizen Sleeper was an early review, so it's a little more tacit.
Citizen Sleeper
Chained Echoes

9 hrs ago

duhnuhnuh completed Papetura

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duhnuhnuh followed vini64

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duhnuhnuh followed Phantasm

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duhnuhnuh followed SwitSwat

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