Basically a pixel art HITMAN game, where you play death itself. Some of the deaths ares hilarious and over the top.

Very funny "accidents" if you want to just progress through the game. It gets a little frustrating if you want to get the highest score in each level since it seems to be only one specific order of "events" in order to get the gighest rank.

Fun tower defense if you have friends to play co-op. The visual art is very stylish and the gameplay gets really hard very fast.

If you want a game that will reward you for the least effort possible, this excels on that field.

Better story than the precuel, while keeping mostly the same gameplay. Having said that, definitely play this game alone!... there are some part of this game that are not very friendly for kids... I would say also gf/wives but we probably don't have those around anyway...

Very nice FPS, with a good story. The game expects you to play in the hardest difficulty (most inmersive experience) but it is hard since some of the buttons functions are not explained in the optios menu and the game (in this mode) has no HUD to tell you what to do, so this is targetted for a second playthrough I guess. I ended playing it in normal mode.

Short story, not in a bad way. The twin-stick controller gimmick is an original idea and some of the puzzles really take advantage of that. Just make sure your controller's triggers are working properly, those are the only buttons you use in the game.

Bonus: It makes you feel that you are actually playing with somebody else right next to you, when in reality you are all alone as you will always be... and also you will develop stronger trust issues with those evil creatures called...

I wish I hadn't seen the "break" online before playing the game. Its a very good one. Very well done, (for a licensed video game) . If you are a cpmpletionist, it gets very annoying trying to get 100%, but for the general story mode its very fun. Some boss battles are entertaining, some are very dull.

Interesting idea but it gets repetitve very fast, also very slow paced. Some of the missions, if you fail them, you still have to wait for the calendar to go by.

If you like dry-sarcastic humor, this is it for you.

Nice game, ending sucks. Sniping mechanics were fun, nothing crazy like x-rays hits or so. Satisfiying when you hit the target without HUD assist.

Very nice if you role-play, slow paced, surpinsingly enough the multiplayer (I don't think it still work) was fun considering that every macth conisted in an avg of 25 minutes just hiding and trying to pin your opponents. (for real, I'm not being sarcastic here).
Story was nice, but the endings in the whole franchise are like... really?

Very laid back, fun game, unfortunately don't expect to get into the scoreboard since there were a lot of ( I guess) cheaters completing the levels in a couple of seconds.

Very cool vibes, not the best gameplay, music can become repetitive, high replay value, very arcade-style. Graphics still hold up to date.

More "realistic" approach than most FPS. Better suited if you like in-game chat since you need to coordinate your moves.

Very nice stealth game, lots of options to k... complete your objectives. Definitely don't go "rambo".