I was always pretty basic when it came to games. First person shooter and Madden were essentially all I ever played. Then I played RDR2 and realized what games are supposed to be. Completely opened up my eyes to game play, Story, breathtaking graphics etc. Arthur Morgan is one of the greatest game characters to ever be created. I have over 600 hours on this game and never once have I thought "I'm getting kind of bored".

What an absolutely incredible game. Amazing storytelling, graphics, and interface. Such a complex game but super easy to learn and understand. Easily one of my top 3 favorite games I've ever played.

This game completely surprised me. I'm a huge Marvel fan boy but given how bad The Avengers was, I had super low expectations heading into this game. It was fantastic. Genuinely one of my favorite games I've played.

It is what it is. Nothing special but nothing bad, either.

I'm a massive Marvel fan boy so I really tried to like and I just couldn't.

I thought it was fun. Silly but in a fun way. It's at 3.5 stars for me because I haven't finished it. I played it through a game pass subscription and when I cancelled that, I dropped the game too. I'll definitely finish it at some point. It's worth it.

114 hours later and I've completed everything in the game. The mythology and history made the game very enjoyable. The Curse of the Pharaoh's DLC was my favorite part of the game. I also really liked how it essentially had a virtual museum.

The defensive fighting such as parrying could have been much better but that's pretty much my only complaint. I see others saying it wasn't a real AC game but this was my first one so I can't comment on that. As an open world RPG, I had fun.