7 reviews liked by DarkSt0rm009

Well if this has anything over the first game, it's gameplay and impressive graphics, at least for this system.
It's really damn easy tho.

My favorite in the Ninja JaJaMaru series so far. The jumping and wall climbing feels weird, but those are the only real complaints I can muster.
It controls alright, looks nice and charming, and the levels are decently designed and short, so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

I was pleasantly surprised by this. The open world aspect is pretty neat, and while it isn't too difficult, that makes it a pretty pleasant ride. The colorful/charming graphics do help with that.
Basically what this is: a pleasant if slightly standard 3D platformer. Reccomended if you're in the mood for that.

Even better or at least on par with Halo 2 imo.
The story is addmitedly is nothing special, but I mostly chalk that up to this essentially being "Halo 2: Part 2". Besides, the good story bits are really damn good, especially Cortana reuniting with Master Chief near the end. The gameplay and levels are as fun as ever, tho I do wish Arbiter was actually playable again instead of being relegated to an NPC. Loved the setpieces, felt a bit more bombastic than the first two. Music kicks ass, love the use of the main Halo theme.
TLDR: game is great, a very nice end to the original trilogy.

A decently fun rail shooter from the time, and the vector style gives it a really unique look. Damn simple tho, and not too long.

A decent-ish follow up to Sunsoft's original Batman '89 game.
It looks damn amazing for a late era NES title, the controls are pretty smooth for the most part, and it's short but decently fulfilling. I do have to say tho, the enemy placement can be a damn pain sometimes (I do feel the bigger sprites are partially to blame), and while the early bosses are easy as pie, the later ones can give so little health it borders on infuriating.
Music is amazing at least.

(Played with the Classic Graphics)
While a part of me enjoys how simple the original was in comparison, this is a lot better by a mile.
The graphics are a surprising step up, Master Chief's armor being a specific example. The addition of extra vehicles and dual-wielding makes the gameplay a bit more frantic and enjoyable, and the story is...wow. It's a lot more interesting and fleshed out, specifically the stuff with Arbiter and internal conflicts within the Covenant. The cliffhanger tho is uhhhhh...god damn.
TLDR: play the game whenever you can, it's a true delight.