Honestly one of the best story-based puzzle games I have ever played in my entire life. The combat sections are hard but fun and rewarding when you parry correctly. And witnessing Senua descend into madness every so often was jarring but seeing her fight back against was motivating for me to keep going and as well as for personal reasons. Currently ive been going through a rough patch but playing the game and fighting off the northman and refusing to succumb to madness related to me in a way as to keep pressing on and to keep going and you will fight off all your mental demons you are dealing with. Bit of a long and personal review of this game but it really stuck with me and i loved it, can't wait for Hellblade II now.

Great game despite having a few flaws and some a few bugs at times but nothing gamebreaking, only had one really annoying bug but it eventually fixed itself. Despite what people say about CDPR they at least came back to fix their game. looking forward to the future from them just hopefully their next launch is not as botched.

Turbo Overkill is one of the best boomer shooters on the market I cannot emphasize how fun the gunplay feels and how much fun it is to be moving at mach-10 and using all your movement abilities correctly to slaughter thousands of enemies. Some annoying parts like the doom eternal-esque rooms of fighting countless waves of enemies to unlock the path and proceed ahead and the final boss was a bit rough but that doesnt stop it from being of my favorite boomer shooters ive played. Best way to describe it is doom eternal but faster and with more movement abilities and the ability to slow time that alone makes it top tier in its own right.

what an amazing boomer shooter and it shows that this niche-genre of games is able to evolve not be samey like all the other ones. One of the best games ive played this year


HROT is essentially if doom quake and dusk had a slavic baby. This game was a pleasant surprise as at first I was not that enthused by the presentation but after playing it I thoroughly enjoyed my time. The setting and ambience is one of its strongest points and is able to have the mood of the game go from action-fueled, to eerie and ominous deeds going on, to just downright scary and terrifying moments which felt a little Dusk influenced which is by no means a bad thing at all. Weapons great to use and meaty sounding, enemies are both unique and creepy at times and theres even a helicopter enemy to deal with at times which is probably one of my favorites to deal with. Game is rather short and can be beat in 5 hours or less if you are efficient enough which is fine but I would have liked a few more levels per episode but I digress I still had my fair share of fun. Also very important part there are dogs you can save and pet and at the end you reunite with the dogs which also makes this game very good. Not many harsh complaints outside of it being too short at times and the difficulty scale is bit extreme sometimes, for instance playing on hard for the first chapter felt like I was playing on Nightmare but Easy felt like way too easy and I wish I played it on Normal instead. Map design is pretty intricate and fun to explore but sometimes it was pretty easy to just get lost and confused on where to go which was frustrating at times. The biggest standout for me however was how interactive the world was with having light switches to turn on/off lights, putting in keys to key slots to unlock doors, environmental damage such as trees falling over, etc. Game is very solid especially if you are looking for a decently short and fun boomer shooter and for anyone playing for the 1st time I recommend Normal as Easy feels like too much of a cakewalk and Hard feels like this games Nightmare.

fun nostalgic trip but going 100% is a tad annoying.

This game is Arkane at their best with great story-telling and the ability to play however you may whether it is go loud and chaotic and be quick and stealthily. Or having to take out a target using a poison drink or to have them dealt with non-lethally. Dishonored is one of Arkane's best works and I hope for both a new possibly entry in the series and for Arkane to go back to their roots with their upcoming Blade game rather than some game where the team is forced to making something they have no passion or care for (looking at you Redfall).

Amid Evil takes you on a fantasy journey through 7 different universes with a variety of enemies to face in each world which helps spruce up gameplay with different enemy designs and combat. As well as combat the worlds of each episode have really good level structure that a lot of the time i really enjoyed just exploring the world rather than just continuing through and that is what makes a good boomer shooter making very explorable and satisfying worlds to explore. Weapon variety is small but each weapon is really unique especially the weapon that has you throw literal planets, including earth. Plus the soul power mechanic changes your weapon temporarily boosting its damage greatly and changing how your weapon works like having the BFG of the game shoot out black holes instead From a technical standpoint it gives at least for me heavy ps1/late 90s fps vibes and it captures a weird nostalgia I didn't know I had and I love it. Best comparison I have is its a mix of the creepy and quiet ambience and lengthy worlds of Turok with the constant chaos and fighting of Serious Sam. The ambience and sound design I thoroughly like especially in the some chapters it kind of had me on edge with how silent and quiet it was. Story is rather simple but the story is not the center focus of the game as the gameplay and enemies are on the forefront. I think if I could give any critiques towards this game it would be that the game is a bit too easy outside of the last chapter but nothing really had me struggling for hours and the bosses did not have much of a challenge to them. However that being said, this game is still a real joy to play through and I would honestly replay it again to find all the secrets and on the hardest difficulty. New Blood has shown themselves to be a leading force in the boomer shooter genre with games like Dusk and Ultrakill (which once I get through those ill review each of them) and they have been a big influence for indie devs that want to recreate that boomer shooter magic and I can't wait for more games from them especially their next game Fallen Aces.

very fun story and one of the better MK stories in recent memory.

really solid game just the racket missions are very repetitive

very fun puzzle game with a very somber ending


Dusk is a perfect blend of a classic boomer shooter with horror elements and the horror elements are really loud sometimes with how scary the game gets. The voices and noises the enemies can make at times are also downright disturbing and it honestly jump scared me a few times. Movement is so fast and smooth and when used to its fullest potential you can do some insane techniques. Each level from all three episodes are relatively fun while have a good challenge to them and most of them are very short so you if know where everything is you can skate through episode with extreme ease. All the final bosses of each episode did propose a fair challenge as well but nothing too frustrating that made me dislike them. Most of the levels are also extremely well-made in terms of design and its very easy to figure out which route is the correct route or which way you need to go to proceed through and get through the end. Dusk I will say is a perfect representation of a doom clone/boomer shooter as it has very good weapon variety, lots of enemies with varying difficulty, fun and intricate levels to go through, and also a very good soundtrack some of the songs from the game were very well-made and would fit at the best times whether it is going down dark corridors or fighting hordes and hordes of enemies. The only critique I can even give this game is that it is a bit short it feels even with dying and looking for secrets but I wouldn't say that its a bad thing at all I get a ton of enjoyment from this game and I will more than likely replay it to find all the secrets and just 100% the game in its entirety. The best way I can describe this game is like blood meets doom turned up to 1,000 and its just a complete blast from start to finish. My favorite Episodes have to be 1 and 3 without a doubt since those are the most chaotic for me while Episode while not bad does slow it down a bit with the parts of losing your flashlight. Nonetheless I still think it is an amazing boomer shooter that was the one that started it all in terms of it blowing up on the indie scene and I will be awaiting David Szymanskis next game being that I believe he is very talented and passionate with his work.