Short and a little challenging but fun. Really nice improvement over the SNES titles.

The game that brought the series into 3D with a new skill system, a well paced story, nice characters, and all around is just a really fun experience. This version of the game adds a lot more content and QoL improvements that make it even better at the cost of graphics being turned down a lot. Regardless of a few flaws it is one of my favorite video games of all time.

A low effort remake of a good game.

It's nice to see a series try something new but this feels rushed, glitchy, and not really scary. It feels like the story had potential but didn't really go all out. It could've been do much more but it just simply wasn't.

Not that difficult or long but it is cute and charming.

That was probably the craziest 2 hour game I've ever played.

Gameplay isn't that fun but cool lore for what seemed to be at first just a game about being a dolphin.

Should've been base game or free DLC.

Should've been base game or free DLC.

I like tactical gameplay and love crossover games. This game has many great Capcom and Bandai Namco characters. I'll be honest and say I'm not too familiar with a lot of the Sega roster but still cool.

A great fan game. You can tell tons of effort had been put into it over years of development. Probably one of the best Flash games I've ever played.

The gameplay isn't as good as other games in the series but it's story is really good and made me cry. Albedo is such an amazing villain. Genuinely the best villain in the franchise. I think this game has a lot of potentially if ever remade.

This game has a good story although I found myself less invested and hyped by it than two of its predecessors. This might be due to characters being something I care about a lot in games. Half of Xenoblade 1's party members are barely relevant and the others I liked but never got super attached to. The gameplay also isn't anywhere near as fun as newer (and even some older) titles. That said just because I like it less doesn't mean it's bad. It's still a great game with a wide open world and interested lore to dive into.

Future Connected is a alright addition that gives Melia and Tyrea extra screen time which they needed although Tyrea was scrapped from being a party member yet again which sucks. It did an ok job of foreshadowing Xenoblade 3 and Future Redeemed but I still don't care about it.

A fine expansion. New prequel storyline that helps you get to know some characters better, explore a new titan, and slightly different gameplay. I didn't really get attached to any of the characters and I really disliked forced side quests which both factor into it just being an ok experience for me.

A good build up game that foreshadows the insane plot twists later games have very well but standalones it is one of the weaker stories in the franchise. Gameplay is decent but weird dev decisions like not including a run button in every battle makes the game drag a bit. Still I can confidently say I enjoyed my time with the game and I appreciate what it lead too.