Actually might be the worst game of all time. Not only is it bad but it is AGGRESSIVELY bad in every regard. The story is nonsensical at best and offensive at worst, the gameplay is like Paper Mario with a heaping pile of expired molasses poured onto it, and the actually good soundtrack is held back by terrible sound design (some random enemy fights were better than the FINAL BOSS' theme for fuck's sake).

Do not play this game, even ironically. You won't find a train wreck, but instead a nation dying of plague.

Amazing for its time, but hasn't aged the best in every regard.

Classic game that hasn't aged nearly as well as it should have for a 2018 release.


Damn good RPG Maker horror game given a fresh coat of paint to make it even better.

Cute Zelda-lite with a witty sense of humor, albeit one that relies too hard on 2019 memes.

Pretty solid game. Peak Mario Storytelling but the gameplay in-between is peaks and valleys. Too much backtracking but Vivian and Yoshi Kid are both great.


Not as good as the first one but still an amazing rooty-tooty fresh and shooty