Did the tutorial, didn't understand a single thing, i don't think i'm ever gonna understand this type of game

Maybe i'm being a bit too harsh on this game by giving it 1 and a half stars, but... like, this was trash, outside from it looking absolutely AMAZING visually, everything else is bad. From the story (which has a really shit twist at the end), to the puzzles being either extremely cryptic or seemingly nonsensical, to even the unbearable walking speed. This was just an overall unenjoyable experience.

This is a game made by a couple of what i assume to be slightly old people, thinking about that makes me want to go a bit easier on the game, but when i think about it a bit more, i realize i do not care.

To start of, the story is quite boring, you can skip all of it and not miss anything. The gameplay however, is equally as boring. it's like worse solitaire, with a few gimmicks but that ultimately feel like they have no connection with the actual fights. The character building is also boring as hell as you can barely spec into anything different and unique, there's pretty much just one path in terms of how you progress.

bad game, but i've played worse.

better than most freeware on steam, decently fun, feels polished enough. The reason for this is probably that it's just a demo for the actual full game. It is a good play and very short. The level design is generally very good and straight forward, except in two areas where they make you backtrack with no apparent reason or directioning of the player. Otherwise, a fine enough game.


This was probably the coolest thing ever when i was 10, 7 years later, it still is the coolest thing.

Game crashes a lot, the contrast between gameplay types is jarring, but even so, the game is very charming and fun, and all of the gameplay styles are fun, with the space one being a little lame at the start but really opening up later on

i recommend.

I was gonna play spore before this but decided against it considering this game is a total of 211 MB in size, even with my shit internet i could install it in only a few minutes

It had played this one, but quit somewhere. i didn't remember why i dropped though, seeing my save file i was in the airship zone, which... i'm gonna be real it's not a good zone but i don't think it's dropping-the-game worthy.

anyways, this game has really beautiful presentation, even if it took me a stage or two for my eyes to adjust to the pixel art. However, i think this beautiful pixel art hurts the game in a few areas, particularly, readability. There was way more than just a few occasions where i got hit by something pretty dumb because i simply thought it was part of the (admittedly beautiful) background.

another thing is that... fuck this sonic feels odd. Maybe it's because i was playing on keyboard instead of controller. I haven't touched the classics in a good while but man was the spindash always this... weak? it barely gets you through a loop. i also found the new drop-dash kinda useless except when you really just need to reach another side really quickly and don't have time to spin-dash, it comes up often enough but not really a big deal for sonic's moveset for me.

For another thing... i dislike a lot of the level designs, not all of them and not all the way throughout, but there was plenty of occasions where i'd go into a spring or something, which usually is safe, only to be thrown into a direction that i can't see anything in, and then hit a random badnick that just happened to be where i landed. Aside from that the fact that they included hydrocity zone at all in the game is an atrocity, it's easily the worst zone in the entire game.

anyways maybe i would've enjoyed this one a bit more were for me being better at sonic games, but as it stands i think it's just okay.

I struggle with rating this game, i did play it in what possibly is the worst way to experience it after all. I played the PC version, vanilla with no fixes AND on a keyboard. The game literally recommends that you play with a controller but sadly mine died while i was playing honkai impact so i guess i just had to make do.

Well, this game has a lot of good sections, though at first i found the background and the playable areas difficult to differentiate, i got used to it soon though. I'd say the game controls pretty well, except when it just doesn't. Sometimes things will be going perfectly smooth, only for you to jump while angling ever so slightly to the left, and boom you just died, this happened a lot during my playthrough, though i wonder if that's just a quirk of playing on keyboard.
the game is also really short, without doing any side content, it clocks in at about 5 hours, and it's a decently sweet experience, despite how negative i've been through this review, when this game works, it does work pretty well, you feel fast, you ARE fast, but the game barely guides what you can and can't do for your own safety, which lets you have way more freedom of HOW you decide to zoom through the levels.

One thing that, i am not sure if it was this game in general on just the PC port, man i had quite a few bugs. Crisis city refuses to work correctly 50% of the time, making me die despite me using the clearly intended route, and when i DID beat it... it got stuck on the victory screen, making me have to reset and start the level all over again. It doesn't help that this game honestly gets worse on the later levels, they're too long and... too precise. feels like they expect me to actually be sonic to see some of this stuff coming, but overall i think the game is okay. i'll still do some more side content but as of writing i beat the final boss and that's good enough to mark it as complete.

whoa... what an amazing game. i've been clearing out my backlog, and, despite playing over 40 games by now, this one... is by far the best one i've played, or at the very least, the most fun.

i played the WORST version of the game, the PC version, riddled with bugs, crashes, and other technical problems such as lacking resolution support, but fuck it, this game... it's good to the point that i didn't MIND having to retry missions thrice just because the game crashed, for one, missions are usually short and sweet, and well, they're really fun too.

one thing i'll say, in terms of presentation, this game sorta blows, it was made in the "piss and shit" era of games and it shows, but i still think it looks serviceable, some of the cars are pretty cool, and the comedy is actually funny, it has a lot of running gags and otherwise the game creates funny moments by itself, like when you shoot a car trying to steal it, but the owner drives himself off a bridge, this game is fucking amazing dude i laughed my ass off a lot of the playtime.

the whole structure of taking down gangs and getting territory, while you don't feel too much the impact of it, is definitely cool on a subconscious level, and damn these cutscenes go HARD, all the executions are downright amazing, specially the drug-psychic green guy leader i forgot the name of.

if it wasn't for the bugs in the PC version, i might've given this a 4.5/5 stars, if i had to complain about anything, is that the tension never builds up, even the last mission is more or less just another tuesday, which, does fit with the rest of the game, but still you'd expect a bit more for the last send off, no?

goated game tho

it's... pretty bad, like it has SOME charm, but not a lot, most of it just looks like stock models on some 3d asset market place, the art seems original and it's good but it doesn't create for much of a scary experience. also, this game is way too dark, and for a game that is pretty much a collection of mazes, it doesn't work that well, ended up just turning my brightness to the highest on my monitor settings.

oh and also, if you just... spin your camera, you're effectively immortal, weird short game.

Well, compared to the other games in the series, i'd say this is the worst one, all the Social interaction elements are honestly better than persona 3, but EVERYTHING involving actual dungeon crawling gameplay feels worse 10 fold, i don't even know why it feels that bad, but man if Tartarus felt like a chore sometimes in P3, the dungeons in P4 feel like medieval torture, otherwise, in regards to aesthetics, i think this game sits on both ends of the spectrum, i like the use of yellow and the theming of the early 2000's and CRTs and all of that, but some of it looks really lame when compared to P3 or P5, it is functional though so i can't complain too much.

the social links... they're pretty good, except for yosuke's, his is kinda boring, his character in general is a bit annoying, not as much as teddie but he's up there, and at least teddie has some actual funny non-perv moments in the game, yosuke is just not funny ever.

This game does a great job on making the characters feel like real friends you have, only to them have them do some weird anime trope that makes me go "oh..", only to then fix itself again, it's inconsistent but the good generally outweights the bad.

as for the story... when playing through it you don't really notice because you are wayyy more invested in the characters than in actually solving the mystery, but even then the story is basically just a loop that goes on for 30 hours, you get almost NO clues as to who the suspect is until the end, so it can feel like a drag, but the game gives you enough to distract yourself to not worry about it too much.

It's OK

This game has some pretty cool highs and some LOW lows. i just want to preface this by saying that i played mostly the career mode, offline (due to my internet connection being shit), so the experience you might have online could be completely different, and probably will be.

The first thing i thought when i booted this game was "wow, this looks like shit". i thought i had the graphics on low but to my surprise the game was actually maxed out, i changed a few settings but the feeling of the game looking ugly didn't go away until about 3 missions in, i DID get used to it and honestly now i even think the game looks good, it has some really nice and shiny textures specially, but there's something like, oddly artificial about the art direction, most of that i think can be attributed by the weird "3D" filter on screen at all times, it's subtle but it's not good either, i couldn't figure out how to disable it so i just let it on and got used to it.

Starting out, this game really blows. i didn't even notice the career mode at first and just went on a random heist, only to realize that i didn't have the right equipment and that i needed to play OTHER missions to maybe unlock it, unsure if i'd even be able to complete those other missions.

At the start the difficulty also feels like it makes no sense, Normal is pitifully easy, Hard feels normal but then Very hard feels impossible, turns out you just gotta wear armor and it's all good. Sorta wish i figured that out earlier though.

i mostly didn't use the other deployables that weren't health kits, even in stealth missions (i'll get to those in a moment) i didn't find the ECM jammer very useful, although i saw people using it on gameplay, and i ended up just doing it all with a silenced pistol, even though i knew that you'd want a shotgun for better knockback, allowing you to kill silently better, the reason i couldn't get one is i couldn't figure out which one the right one was, and i didn't have enough points to spec into both knockback for my stealth and health for my loud.

moving on to stealth, it sucks, like REALLL bad, there's really not much interaction between you and the world, it feels like an obstacle course where you are restricted to very specific rules so only one main strategy that is optimal becomes realistically viable, with the whole "you can only kill like 4 guards lol" thing, and their pathetic sight. they're quite boring and when not boring they just feel unbalanced, like the one with the garett guy, where i almost completed the mission, was INSIDE the escape elevator, and he saw me from the other side of the map and ended my mission (this happened twice).

overall i can see why some people like this game, specially the speedrunners, but i can't see myself coming back to replay this ever again.

Another one i forgot to log. it's short enough and good enough that i couldn't think of anything bad to say about it. At most, it's a bit bland, but it's fun enough.

a wonderful game that both younger me and current me still enjoys. I actually don't really like tower defense games, but this one... it's so good, it's almost perfect.

A pretty lame game with okay fighting at best, it's good for an anime arena fighter but that ain't mean it's good in general, i actually forgot to log this one, i beat it years ago. The story mode is fairly easy but playing seriously online sucks and the dlc characters are unbalanced.

I honestly don't know if this game deserved the 4 stars i gave it, but some part of me said it did, so... there you go.

This game made me realize that most JRPGs, no matter how good, get boring after like 60 or so hours, i can only get excited by hitting weaknesses and critical hits on randomly generated rooms for so long. So, i do think the game drags on just a bit, but the ending is quite good, so i can mostly forgive it.

one thing i thought was pretty bad was the social links with any of the main girls, yuko's is the exception but all the other ones feel like "oh man, your're such a nice guy, i love you now", most of that coming from the fact that the protagonist is mostly silent, with you getting some amusing dialogue options every once i a while. It's still something i can forgive but it did feel dull, oh and also, Aegis' social link was really good, although a bit fleeting feeling due to it only being available for a brief period at the end, but at the same time, it also felt mandatory to the story, to see her growth and why she becomes important later.

The other social links were actually pretty good, with my favorite being the gourmet king, some really nice writing and ideas with them in general.

the middle of the game was something i didn't enjoy too much, it's when most of the characters are introduced and it feels like they're throwing too much shit your way at once, thankfully this does technically make it so these characters have wayyy more screentime than they'd have otherwise, which does make them more interesting, even if it makes one specific part of the game a little bit lower quality feeling.

the final boss fight is a bit too long, but it was ok, if not a bit lame and unfair at times.

overall, i don't regret the time i spent with this game. it was... good.