Played this years ago when it first came out when I was a kid and loved, going back to it as an adult and enjoying deeper RPG's I feel it isn't as good as the hype considers it, fantastic world no doubt, but combat isn't really enjoyable/satisfying unless you go with the classic stealth and archery / dagger route

My brain isn't made for thinking games so after the first couple chapters I kept getting stuck on where to go next, shame as I really liked the macabre world building and the story in season 1 however I lost interest in season 2

The world building of this game is superb, this was my 2nd play through and on this play through I went for the ending "A", also I went to grab as many collectibles and upgrades as I could, I did use a interactive online map for help on some of the harder to reach places, as some of the places are so convoluted I am surprised people find them without.

Some challenging and unique bosses, my favourite being the Lady of the Charred visage, and situations within combat make you change in and out of different prayers (abilities) which make for a diverse play through.

Story seemed so promising, giving off Oblivion vibes with the murder of a king but Jesus Christ this game is so janky and unpolished it isn't even fun, even set to Easy difficulty I was dying to unnecessary things like placing a Yrden spell the tiniest space away from where it needed to be. Crazy how this game was warranted a great 3rd game. Fingers crossed the remake of the first Witcher is as good as Wild Hunt

Played this about a year ago with both main characters, I really enjoyed the great combat and combos you could make with other characters, to create some great chain attacks, the combat felt super fluid. Also down time in the game where you spend it developing a relationship with the other members of your team felt really impactful throughout the game as you progress. My only gripe is that it falls flat story wise near the end.

Hours played - 111

Really enjoyed the story in general, I like how the main quests felt super fleshed out and the characters relationships with one another. I love the fight mechanics, having to use decotations and oils to swerve the outcome of the fight was a fun touch which meant it didn't feel like a standard slash your way through game, you didn't feel too overpowered, however by the end I found myself not really using oils as I was a much higher level than most enemies.
The abundance of question marks and side quests on the map felt a bit too overwhelming, I know you can change the map to what you want to see on it, but being someone who enjoys getting the most out of miscellaneous and side quests, it felt like such a chore to do some of these jobs.

Both DLC were enjoyable too getting the most enjoyment out of Blood and Wine, I enjoyed the over the top high class style it carried especially with the dialogue throughout it

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The overhaul of the games mechanics really flesh out this dlc nicely, alongside with the side content of helping Mr Hands secure Dogtown, the espionage tale, much like the main story, is a good story of tragedy, with also the inclusion of a 5th ending to the main story, which is equally as depressing as the Devil ending

After Waiting over 2 years to play it after its disastrous start; I am happy to say it's a stellar action game / light RPG. With great characters, interesting side quests and a tragic story.