6 reviews liked by Delphinium

Note to self: Don't play Animal Well at Jerry Garcia's

i just wish that the failure of this game won't take a big toll on the devs. they are so much talented and it would suck so bad if this game ruined everything.

ts3 is the peak of the sims series, and i'm gonna try to explain why briefly.

the sims 3 takes everything that the sims 2 introduced to the series and polishes them to perfection. sure, we lost cinematics and some animations but we got HUGE open worlds with this game, each of them containing so many lots (remember the tiny worlds in ts4? they do not exist in this game)

open world might sound like a small improvement but this system is what the sims series needed all this time. not having to wait for loading screens even when visiting the lot accros the road and being able to control all of the sims in the household at the same time even when each of them are at different places (one can be at home, others can be at somewhere else within the borders of the city) is so immersive that they make the open world system the primary reason for me to prefer ts3 over the other sims games. ts2 and ts4, mostly ts4 feels like a home simulation instead of a town simulation. i rarely leave my houses in the other 2 games. so, switching back to ts3 from ts4 was the best decision for me, considering my playstyle in the sims series.

also, ts3 has a feature called create a style where you can select the color of your wigs, clothing, furniture etc. from a color wheel. you can also adjust its darkness etc. so you have unlimited options of colors, whereas the sims 4 limits you to swatches, completely removing what the sims 3 introcuded to the series. create a style lets you to combine every piece of furniture or clothing without a struggle, which i think is one of the main problems of the sims 4.

the sims 3 has the best of expansion packs too! you can get 6 occults in ONE pack whereas you have to pay for werewolves, vampires and spellcasters individually in ts4. you also get ts4's high school pack, parenthood pack, toddlers pack, wedding pack, kids pack and growing together pack in ts3's generations pack. there are many other examples like that. you of course get the carbon copies of ts3 packs in ts4, but they are not as polished and they do not contain as much features either.

gameplay wise, the sims 3 has so many cool gameplay features like being able to ride a bicycle, give your infant or toddler a ride with a stroller, drive cars, swim in the sea only with the BASE GAME and many, many more that you cannot see in the sims 4. story progression actually worked properly in the sims 3 too. even though the sims 4 has a lot of features too, the sims 3 also has most of them, more polished versions of them even.

one more thing that makes the sims 3 superior is that your sims actually has personalities now. you can choose between 60+ traits and give 5 of them in the base game. number of traits to choose between increases to 99 if you have all the expansions, which is a horrendous number of options. being able to choose 5 traits instead of 3 like in ts4 is also great.

a great thing about your sims is that their ai actually works this time! and the relationships between them build much slower than in the sims 4, where you can get married in like 5 minutes. yes, the sims is not meant to be a complicated game but games still require challenge and ts3 has the balance. it's not as hard as ts2 but not as easy as ts4 either. this applies to the needs system as well. your sims' needs don't hit zero in like 3 hours like it was in sims 2 but it also doesn't take them 2 days to feel sleepy like it is in the sims 4.

there are many other things to list such as lifetime wishes being better than the other games, whims actually making sense and being fun, more fun careers, more variety of lots to go to, being able to edit worlds and create your own worlds and many more. sure, the sims 3 has its own flaws like lagging and such but these problems can be overseen easily since the actual gameplay is SOOOO much fun. the sims 3 is the best one in the series to me, and also one of the best simulation games ever made. it was ambitious and was made with passion and this is something that you can't see in the newer games in the industry.

A core part of my personality

dmc3 with an edgy, 2000s-ish style and a twink. liked it a lot, suprised it doesn't have more of a following, though i'm also glad it doesn't have a ton of reviews saying "haha, it's just a phase mom"