43 Reviews liked by Dest

This was boring and so button mashy. I'm sure there is a good enough game here if you can deal with just spamming the same button for 100s of hours.

Anyone who values their time should not bother, slow to get going and then becomes grindy in the pursuit of better gear.

This may be someone's dream game, especially with the random loot aspects but it isn't enough to keep me pressing 1 button to do everything.

When I was in elementary school, we had a day where students with enough "good noodle stars" (they were actually tickets, but whatever) were allowed to pick an activity they wanted to do. The sportsy ones chose to have their day outside, but all the 'cool kids' (or at least, whatever 13-year-old me thought constituted being a 'cool kid') chose the gaming activity - moving to the art classroom to play on their DSes, trading Pokemon, the works.

I usually just played Ocarina of Time 3D alone while talking to my friends, but my favorite memory of these times - and Pictochat in general - stims from some kid trying to help someone with a math assignment through it and almost getting the entire thing canceled because their fat fingers made them type "ass" instead of "add" and their so-called friend immediately snitched on them.

A simply amazing game with a fantastic story and gameplay that (mostly) holds up well.

A must play for anyone who likes cyberpunk, Immersive Sims, RPG's, or stealth games.

I run real fast. I jump real big. I caused a return to the dark ages. Damn I'm cool.

One of the best games of all time, maybe the best story in all of gaming as it has multiple levels to it, from saving the world to real-world politics and conspiracies. Gameplay is flawed, the music is fantastic. The atmosphere also flawless. Classic.

Massive respect to the devs, but this aged worse than some Tarantino movies.

“You didn’t even say hi to me at the party”
What I saw at the party:

- Cruelty Squad is one of my favorite games of 2021 (alongside Metroid Dread). It's a hellish 90s computer program with the mixture of Goldeneye N64, Super Mario 64 and old school shooters on a bad trip. The gameplay is solid, rewarding and punishing. It looks like some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game but actually well designed. There's plenty of secrets to discover just like the old times when discovering was special until GameFAQs or searching up anything online spoils the mystery.
- Each missions has its own settings such as a harbor, mall, cruise ship or a suburb where you have to assassinate targets of corporations. The dialogue is straight up legendary and hilarious. Has profound moments worthy of a discussion.
- My favorite toys are Chunkopops.
- My favorite anime is Haato no DokiDoki: Zankokudan.
- My favorite program is Zoon.

Still probably the reigning champion of audiolog storytelling. If you're willing to put up with tons of jank, this game is a really rewarding experience. Genuinely scary in spite of the techno. Like every game Ken Levine's worked on, it could have ended hours earlier. Deeply respect that this game ends on a shitpost


"what if we like take the arena part's of ratchet and clank and make them the whole game"
-some genius at insomniac

A game that should get more recognition within the horror genre in gaming. Rockstar managed to craft a hopeless atmosphere devoid of any humanity with tense gameplay from beginning to end. Sound design and stylized violence remains unmatched.

Great concept and premise, this game is very unique and probably will never see anything like it as it explores a very controversial topic.