A wonderful party game, meant to be played cooperatively, with a friend or someone else (both offline and online), as playing it all by yourself can become challenging and breaks the game's immersion as you can always use only one cooker at a time.
There are more than 40 levels, some of them hidden, which can only be unlocked by completing a unknown challenge. After the main story, there isn't really much stuff to do, only Arcade (1 or more players) and Versus Mode (2 or more players), Practice and Survival Mode, and at last, for every level there is also an optional fourth star to be achieved.
All in all, there are really some great levels (and some of them can be frustrating), but all this won't last long, as the game's main story can be completed in several hours, if you aren't going for the DLCs which in my opinion should've been there from the start.

Reliving the story of the creed, how it was built and when, we shift back to its origin and learn what its main purpose was. With that we follow Bayek on his quest for vengeance. While learning why his son was murdered, we learn about a secret group of people who control Egypt while hidden among its people.
The story or maybe the most important part of the game is among the best Assassin's Creed stories I have played so far, we also have the opportunity to play as Aya, but only few missions, and well, the story between Bayek and Aya at the end is not what I have expected, which is the only thing I was disappointed into. Apart from that, gameplay and combat are great, I even think that the combat system is much better than from Odyssey, here you have a shield to block attacks and arrows and in Odyssey Alexios can block both attacks and arrows with his Leonidas spear, which isn't really realistic and of course Alexios jumping from the highest edge and not taking any damage, that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
At first you might think Egypt equals to a lot of sand and desert, well, this is not the case here, there are many cities, villages, ruins,... and the vegetation differs, within the Nile and within the desert. Also the graphics are amazing, well detailed and sharp-edged.

All in all, a must play Assassin's Creed game, almost everything is perfect, I haven't had any issues nor situations where I've felt this game is repetitive.

After Konami renamed its successful sports game PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) into eFootball I already knew that the game franchise was coming to its downfall. Well, this is the perfect example of Konami doing what EA does best, makes low quality games ( by that I mean that the game is full of bugs and that the game doesn't differs much from its predecessor) with many ways to pick pockets from you.

Well, what could you expect from a free-to-play game, well, microtransactions of course and the worst thing is there are almost to no singleplayer modes, we all remember PES from its „Master League“ and „Become a Legend“ game modes, well in this game apart from the multiplayer, the only thing you have is „Trial Match“ with just few clubs available to choose, no „Custom Championships“, no „Custom Leagues“, nothing.
What else to say, well, the game does use Unreal Engine, but the latest PES I have, PES 2019 looks 10x better than this, no shadows, blurry edges, grass details non-existent, user interface makes your eyes wanna scream and also always the same recycled commentaries and no fans chanting.
Just 30% of all clubs are licensed and almost only 5% of them available in „Trail Match“.

All in all I would rather recommend you to buy an older game of either PES or FIFA for 20$ or lower as this game isn't worth it even if it's for free. Better to spend some money into a higher quality game than to spend money on this and then after a year or so, Konami releases a new title and then turns off the servers of the older one which makes all your hard earned money a waste.

Even though this game has much to offer, like many cars (both historical and modern-day) and tracks (all terrain type), the game still doesn't give you anything special to be remembered by due to a short and bland career and bad voice acting (repetitive pre-race commentators). The game is undriveable with a steering wheel, I don't know why, but it is preferable to play it with a controller, the assists are there, the damages are there but nothing breathtaking.

All in all the best thing the game offers are the graphics (Unreal Engine 4), but apart from that it's just a short game full of content that doesn't hook you up. A good, but not great game.

My first and so far the best Horror; RPG; Hack&Slash game I've played and I had so much fun playing it.
If you have someone to play with, than you will enjoy this game too. You can play it solo (after the first two chapters it becomes too hard to play solo) or cooperative (recommended), with one or more friends or players.
The main story follows an island infected by zombies, only four of them so far are virus-resistant and you have to choose which one of them you'll be according to your playstyle. Every character has its own abilities, passive and active skills, pros and cons. I love the RPG elements which made the game even more rewarding, thinking on which ability to spend skill points and not just grinding for better weapons as in most RPGs so far.
While playing through the game we didn't had any major issues, only few minor problems with cooperative, sometimes one of us would froze in the main's admin game, which was irritating sometimes, but wasn't an often scenary. Apart from that, I've expected offline split-screen mode, more zombie types and maybe an earlier usage of firearms.

All in all, a wonderful game, recommended for those who have someone to play with, for others, if playing solo, this game can be hard, but not impossible.
(Bonus: maybe my review wouldn't be that positive if I didn't have someone to play with :) )

After the release of the main game in a rough shape, the community showed their disappointment throughout reviews and Ubisoft as an apology, decided to release the Dead Kings DLC as a free bonus content.

The story is pretty short, you will only need an hour or so to finish it, this time you will spend more time in the underground and because so, this time the map has both surface and underground level available.
You have again, many chests to collect, artifacts, riddles to finish and other side quest like Franciade Stories, Murder Mysteries (which are easier than the easiest Mystery available in the main game) and Liberate Outpost missions which are also pretty easy to complete ( you just have to kill 3 officers and escape the area).

All in all a pretty short experience and as this DLC is free, I recommend you to try it.

Even though this game had a rough start, after many patches and years this has become a pretty solid and stable game with many new game mechanics, such as the new implemented parkour system.
What also you have to keep in mind is, due to community's reviews and feedback on how the game at start was practically unplayable, Ubisoft decided to give the Dead Kings DLC for free.

This time we play as Arno, emmediately after the ending in AC Rogue where Shay Cormac (Templar) assassinates Arno's father. After that, I won't say anything detailed but he becomes an Assassin, in quest for revenge. Almost the whole game you will be in Paris and a little bit in Versailles, all during the France Revolution.

At first on my perspective this is the last real Assassin's Creed with real stealth mechanics, on every main quest where you have to assassinate someone the game gives you how many entrances, guards, hiding spots, alarm bells you have, so everything needs to be planned before taking out the target. Apart from the main story, which ending wasn't really great, there are many side quest like Paris Stories, Companion Missions (after some time they start to be repetitive: steal from the target, assassinate the target and defend the ally), and the last and the best, Murder Mysteries (as the title says you investigate murders). But if you want a more coop approach you have Co-op Missions and Heists, which can be played privately or with someone.
Now what this game stands out from others?
Well, character customisation, with this I mean, you decide which weapons to use from: sword, long weapons, blunt weapons, pistols, rifles, and every single equipment can be customised, better the weapon or equipment, better the overall stats are. Paris is divided into districts in which every district has its own rank, the higher the rank, the harder the enemies.
What's wrong with the game?
Even though after time Ubisoft successfully removed almost every issue, the parkour system is new and great, but still rough around the edges and sometimes irritating.

All in all, now I can say that the game is almost completely stable and I haven't found any game-breaking issues with it. This game has the best stealth mechanics of all AC games so far, the story isn't great but acceptable, side quest gets repetitive after time, but with open-world games this has already become a habit.

This review is not only a comparison between the original and remastered version of the game, but also a review of the game itself as a alone published game on which my final user score will be based on.

After 10 years Criterion launches a remastered version of one of the best Criterion games made so far. This title is practically a sequel of the well-known NFS Hot Pursuit 2 released back in 2002, even though it differs in some parts.
The game itself is a racing arcade, as all Need for Speed games are, you play both as a racer and a cop in already designated events, this is where the first difference from the 2002 title comes in. In NFS HP2 you had the chance to decide which car to use, which track to drive onto (and you still got the chance to get bounty points), on the top of that, you also had offline splitscreen mode available if you wanted to play with someone from your family or friends. None of this appears here, you have events on which you have to use a specific car or car class in a specific part of the map.
What is more, you have the Free Roam mode in which the only thing you can do is just drive, no racers or cops appear within the map, so practically a useless mode.
Ok, now after saying what wrong with the game, what are the good things? Well, of course the gameplay, you are gonna have such a great time playing this game, there are many race modes, like Hot Pursuit (of course), Interceptor, Race, Time Trial,... and the best of them are playable in online mode with other people who are gonna give you a hard time beating them, but you are probably gonna enjoy it more than playing singleplayer mode.
With the DLCs comes new cars and singleplayer events and a completely new online mode called Most Wanted in which there is a player who has the most bounty points (he's the most wanted), racer's objective is to protect him from being caught by the cops and the cops have to bust him before he escapes.

Now the difference between the original and the remastered version is that all DLCs are already in the game, given for free. Also 4K support but 30fps, and 2K 60 fps, graphics improved, but not drastically, which is a big flaw for all pc players as mods can render the game even better than remastered without buying the new version.
So for whom is the Remastered version? Well, for new players who haven't experienced the game is a must buy, but for others, well it depends on if you want to spend many hours on online mode, than probably yes as there is crossplay enabled and you can play the game with friends on different platforms. For people who already played the game (especially for pc players) and played it only for the singleplayer experience, than don't buy it, it isn't worth your money.

All in all a great game, one of the best from the Need for Speed franchise, the game itself is a must buy for all racing arcade fans, but when it comes to the Remastered version, than it isn't for everyone, for new players yes, but for others it depends.

God of War is a reboot of the old classic hack&slash formula of the older GoW titles, released after many years of waiting as a PS4 exclusive and later released also on PC.

One of the best-looking games so far, it really shows the capabilities of the PS4 and PS4 Pro, really pushing them to the limits. Even if it's so demanding, the game never showed any frame drops as far as I noticed even when played on Enhanced Resolution Mode on PS4 Pro.
Apart from that, this game differs much from previous GoW titles. This time we don't only have combat and puzzle solving, but also a unforgettable story where we have the opportunity to see Kratos as a completely different person. We see that Kratos decided to change himself and tried to escape from the past, but it's easier said than done.
The game gives you a great story, maybe a little bit short but a sweet one. There were some times the story practically seemed to reach the end, but suddenly, something happens, which I liked, as I than knew the story isn't over yet.
The combat system is improved of course, drastically improved. You spend experience points in order to get new moves and new abilities. You upgrade or buy new gear both for Kratos and Atreus, at some point, you will realize while exploring that some enemies are stronger and here comes the part when you will have to spend some time upgrading your gear.

All in all, a great story, fantastic combat system, beautiful graphics, maybe the best-looking game so far. The game gives you a solid +50 hours of gameplay, both thrilling and memorable (completing side-quests, finding collectibles and beating bosses included)


Grid 2019 is practically a reboot of the first Grid game of the series, while it still manages to hold the same tracks from the first game, there are some things that were changed.

The first thing which you will notice are the cars (modern cars and much more different car classes) and number of events, but some things were removed, like the sponsor's main and bonus objective, demolition derby, drift and touge events.
As you know you have different race disciplines in which you have to complete each event in order to get to the showdown event, after that you are given one ticket for the main Grid World Series, after receiving four tickets you gain entry to the Grid World Series which is basically the last event of the game.
The amount of cars available throughout the game isn't really amazing, for a 2019 game, there are approximately 70 cars split across 5 main categories. The amount of tracks is even more disappointing, only few real-life race tracks with those city tracks from the previous game. After some time you will quickly notice that you will practically drive on almost the same track with one of their variants and the weather changed.
The name of the events isn't very colorful, you have three different events with the same name in which only thing changed is the location of the events for ex. TC-1 Special Europe, TC-1 Special Asia and TC-1 Special America and many more. One thing which is even more irritating for me is that at the half of the category you already have the opportunity to drive the fastest car of the category which kills the idea of why I want to get to the end of the category. The only events which I enjoyed the most were the invitationals one in which you practically drive different cars almost every other event.
The sponsor's main and bonus objective are turned into race objectives in which you don't earn more money, but this time you earn different accolades and more racing liveries.
Race commentators and race engineer become repetitive after some time and even annoying.
In this game your race team's name doesn't matter, nor the livery you choose, because you will have the opportunity to change it per car, the only thing which matters is your teammate. Teammate role is to earn more money according to its final race position and how much of the final profit he/she wants to keep for himself/herself.
The game graphics are amazing, so far the best I've seen, the physics are impressive too, this game can be fun for both arcade and sim drivers (just one thing to note, there are not many tuning option or better said the tuning options are simplified in order to make it more affordable for beginners).

All in all a great game, great for both arcade and sim racers, amazing graphics and physics, but after some time you will find some things repetitive, the events are pretty straightforward races, not many race types, only races and time attacks. I personally enjoyed playing the game, but at the end I realised how many things could have been added in order to make this game more colorful or better said to give this game a soul.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey shifts even more further back in the history, even when there was no Assassin's Brotherhood, so this is not a real AC game after all. So this time we are in the Ancient Greece, in the time of the Minotaur, Cyclops, and many known characters like Sokrates, Hippokrates, Perikles,... The story of a Spartan family and the Greek world being destroyed or manipulated by the Cult is brilliant and well-made. In every part of Greece there are different quests and challenges, land to conquer or plunder, either being a Spartan or Athenian. After some time side-quests become too repetitive and you will propably try to skip them. Well, after at least half of the game, everything starts to feel repetitive, in every location, always same activities, but if you are a completionist like me, you will probably spend another few hours trying to finish every location activity. Aside the quest being repetitive, the world of Greece is amazing, so beautiful, many historical locations and different cities.
Talking about rpg elements, the skill tree is well detailed and gives you many options, stealth assassination not the best but acceptable. Main character movement not the realistic one, falling from a cliff and you don't die, weird running animation and not many parkour animations.

All in all I enjoyed playing this game and it took me more than 100 hours to finish it, but it was worth the time.

A slightly different game from what R&C fans are used to get, this time or better said, this game implements something new to the franchise (unfortunately that was the only time they've done that). They implement co-op mode and we can say that the hole game is based on co-op gameplay, either online or offline (3 other players max), it is up to you, or if you are alone, you play it with an AI player as your 2nd player.
You can choose to be Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark or Dr. Nefarious, with a tons of weapons and new enemies to beat. The game itself has many various challenges and many both game and combat mechanics designed for cooperative mode, again, something that long-time R&C fans are not used to have.
This time bolts are not only needed to buy weapons, but also for buying weapon upgrades and in the end, elite upgrade, so be careful on how and when you spend it.
The lenght of the game stays almost the same as on other games, about 10 hours, depends on how much good you are.
Camera angle isn't manual, so get ready to have some awkward moments, like jumping to certain death, losing you companion out of sight and similar situations.
The AI companion (if you play the game alone) isn't one of the smartest AI, you are gonna sure have problems with it, sometimes it isn't helpful as it supposed to be, sometimes you're gonna have to do everything by yourself.

All in all, if you are looking for something to play with your friends or family, you are gonna love this, one of the best coop games on the PS3 so far.

This DLC puts you back in Bolivia, but this time, only in the south-eastern region of Bolivia. This time the enemy you encounter are no longer the SantaBlanca Cartel, but a much stronger and more experienced enemy, the mercenaries called Los Extranjeros. Every type of unit has its own special ability, one of them has a cloaking device, which makes them only visible in termal vision, one has a jamming device on his backpack and makes your drone and vision modes completely useless,... The amount of weapons is reduced to only those available within the DLC, and you can no longer edit the appearance of your AI teammates soldiers and the radio in the car is disabled. The gameplay is still the same as in GR Wildlands, but the game itself is harder and more tactical-paced as every mistake you make will probably soon end with half of the Unidad forces hunting you down, so Rambo style can be used in lower difficulties but I recommend using a more tactical approach.

All in all a short, but great DLC, I like the new type of enemies and weapons, but they could have added something more.

Many people will say this Need for Speed title is just a new chapter from Need for Speed Underground, well... I can agree with them, you will realise this soon enough, The city of Ventura Bay is amazing but it is always night and raining so you'll not experience how beautiful the city looks during day. The story, well, we can say there is none, the only thing you do is trying to get as more reputation as possible, the more REP points you have, the more are the possibilities not only for customisation options but even for gameplay (more races with higher difficulty). The cutscenes are real-life, which is good, they hold to their roots, but within those cutscenes, you'll not find anything useful, just some cringy scenes with no sense whatsoever. Also what you'll realise is the more the powerful is the car (without upgrades), the less are the appearance options, but this is not the far more irritating thing in this game. The worst thing here which does affect the gameplay itself are the cops, they're slow, you will have to go for a search quest to find them, there will be always one cop in the police station, but there is almost no backup units, most of the time only 1 cop will chase you, before you realise how slow and bad they are. During the whole game, I haven't been in any situation where they almost got me, you have to use the worst car if you want them to catch you. Speaking of bad things, you have to always be online, which can be irritating for those with bad or no internet connection, if you want to play this game somewhere with no internet connection, well..., you can't and yes, if you encounter a bad connection during gameplay, the game will kick you out on the main menu.

All in all, the game itself needs many improvements, the cops and always-be-online are the worst problems, the background story is bad, and this leaves you with only one thing you can enjoy within the game, which are the graphics, still not used to its highest potential, such a shame.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is a multiplayer only game, in which you have only 2 game modes, Hunt (the Fireteam members have an objective to complete while the predator hunts them down, both predator and fireteam members controlled by the player) and Clash (2 teams fighting, practically playing conquest while 1 of your team members can be the predator).

About the in-game content, there are not many weapons neither weapon customisation, but there are many different gears and perks available for the fireteam, the predator has even more customisation options. The predator has many appearance options available and many different weapons and gear to choose, which adds the player the possibility on how and when to attack its prey.
The game isn't that easy as you might be thinking, the predator has to decide when the fireteam members are the least prepared for his attack, while the fireteam has to always keep their eyes wide open because not only they have to finish the mission in a 15 min time limit, but they have to be aware that the predator is probably looking for them. The mission aren't that repetitive, I mean, yes, they are the same after some time, but still there are so many different missions, after some time you forgot the same mission you've done 30 games before (for now only 3 maps available).
In the gameplay there are many details which are taken from the film, but within this review I won't mention them, it is up to you to find them out.
The only two things that aren't made as good as others is the AI soldiers, inaccurate, running around without any tactical movement, glitchy sometimes, all in all, rubbish. The second thing are the graphics which for a 2020 game could have been much better, it's okay, but still, could have been more detailed.

All in all, a great game, okay, some things like the AI needs to be improved, but without that, the game is enjoyable enough to make you play it for hours and hours.