One of the most tactical games so far, Rambo style not desired, every decision you make can and probably will affect the gameplay, the game mechanics are almost the same from the previous hitman games, but still they added some fresh new possibilities for players, like the possibility to use the same map they've completed the story before, but this time with a different contract and different missions or side objectives to achieve. The Sniper Mode is awesome, but still, only on one map.
Besides the gameplay, the story isn't that appealing, hard to understand and within the game the only mission is to kill someone, nothing else, I would like they added some different type of missions.

All in all, a great game, a game which offers you many possibilities and many hours on planning how and when to attack your target, there is no room for mistakes. Mission Active. Good luck, Agent 47

Sniper Elite this time shifts into Italy, in the late phases of the second World War. The game itself can be an arcade shooter without many realistic implements, but it can also be a sniper simulation (not a complete simulation, but a solid one), with the bullet drop effect, wind, also known as the Coriolis effect and enemies are far more experienced and pretty accurate. This game can be played both stealthy and Rambo style, for both, you choose which equipment do you want to use. At the beginning of every missions, you are given the opportunity to talk to several characters for several side missions scattered throughout the map. The story is okay, there is not many explanations of why you are doing these missions, but it is easy to guess why. After the main story, the great addition to this game are the co-op Overwatch missions, which are far the most enjoyable part of the game (one player is the spotter and serves you as the sniper cover, and one player is the ground player who complete primary missions, without sniper rifles, submachine gun and secondary weapon only). There are many multiplayer modes which are also enjoyable enough to make you play this game even more.

All in all, a great sniper game worth playing, for both arcade player and drastic sniper veteran players.

A free turn-based strategy game, but still, almost everything is locked with in-game purchases. The pleasure of playing this game doesn't last long, as there aren't many options available because, as I said before, almost everything is locked. The graphics are so out-dated, there aren't any innovative features.
All in all, I recommend you to not even install this game, it isn't worth your time.

A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV is a retro Beat' em Up game taking place 30 years before the events of FFXV.

A solid Beat' em Up game with nothing special, short story but nothing important for you to even understand the story of Final Fantasy XV.

All in all a great 2D platformer, but the game doesn't last long, you will have fun for just few hours, but the bright side is that this game is free, there are none in-game purchases, so if you want to spend 3 or 4 hours trying something new in a classic way, this is a game for it.

Even though this game is for free, there are many, many in-game purchases, almost everything is locked with the need of you buying the dlc or spending money on it. The only thing you do is just simple short quests, there is no story, graphics are bad.
All in all, I really recommend you not to even install this game at all. It isn't worth your time.

This review is only based upon my experience in Singleplayer Mode.

A story of four professional soldiers who are trying to save USA from a Russian invasion, who form the Bad Company. At first you don't even know why you are even doing those tasks in the game, but with the story going on, you start to sort things out and becoming to be more familiar with you fellow soldiers, Sarge, Haggard and Sweets I have to admit that I was annoyed by how much maps I've change throughout the game ( from snow, to jungle, to desert, and again snow, jungle,....), also it is a little bit annoying how much grenades your enemies have, almost every single time I was left without cover because of their grenade launchers which they have all the time on those Russians assault rifles. Great amount of weapons, but with one big problem, no modifications at all, or better said, they have two or three same weapons but the only thing which changes are the weapon sights ( Iron sight, Red-dot or ACOG sight and that's all). The idea of the story is great, but there are things which needs to be changed.

If I have to describe this game with few words, I would probably say it is a Hack'n Slash game (like any Diablo game), but with guns.

There are just two things you do, shoot, take cover, shoot and so on. Yes, it doesn't have many variety but this isn't why this game is so good.
Because there aren't many things to think of while playing this game, this game is pretty fun and relaxing, the story is the main thing you gonna play, other game modes aren't as fun as the story because after a while, it starts to be too repetitive and you will find it boring pretty quickly.
There are some things I would improve in this game, like "be always online even if you just playing the story mode" and one thing I find it really annoying is the slow texture loading, some parts of the city textures takes really some time to load even if you have a PS4 Pro, and also some issues with imput lag, to be precise there are some occasions when the game needs more time to load or process something, and this reflects on the imput lag. You give the order to move the character wherever or to take cover, whatever you do, but the game shows that order like 2 or 3 seconds later, those problems aren't that frequent but if you find yourself in a occasion of shooting someone or anything important, this issue with problems of loading the game and imput lag, can and will be really annoying.

All in all, it is a great game, you will probably spend maybe around 80 hours or more, the game is fun and relaxing, even though the gameplay after the main story is pretty repetitive, there aren't any frame drops or bugs while playing, but it has some loading issues, but I mentioned the problem earlier in this review.

A great remake for one of the best games for PlayStation, the game and the mechanics are still there, the graphics are amazing, so crisp and bright. The story is a little bit short and it feels like some parts should have been more detailed.
All in all a great game, but the original version of the first Ratchet & Clank series is far more enjoyable.

Apex Legends is a great Battle Royale game in which you compete with other players in a slightly bigger map. In this game, at the beginning of the match, you choose your Legend, every single character has its own special and passive abilities. Great amount of different weapons and weapon attachments. For now I have not found it boring at all. Yes, for newcomers is sometimes hard to master it, but when you do master it, you will find this game awesome and amazing. All in all, great game, it is good to find a game more based on shooting and looting weapons and not building structures and looting resources for it, like Fortnite.

This game gives hours and hours of fun, thrill and satisfaction in every point of view, The multiplayer in Battlefield 1 is so far the best from all games in the Battlefield franchise. So many maps, game mods, weapons, vehicles, type of grenades and other accessories. I wasn't disappointed at all, the Campaign is great, even if it is short but it lefts a great impact and you will surely want to replay it once more after a while. The graphics is amazing, so many details and effects, sounds are accurate and well-made. But still when you want to approach this game as a war simulation, it isn't so accurate, the multiplayer is still just running all the time, being killed in the most stupid way or being killed by a sniper from the other side of the map. All in all a great game worth being played even after all this years, but still it isn't perfect, the singleplayer is the best part, but the multplayer modes needs improvement.

This review is only based upon my experience in Singleplayer Mode.

After the great Story of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, this game doesn't bring the same here, but instead now we have different weapons and new attachments like termal sights and heartbeat sensors. The Story is still thrilling, but not as much as the previous title. The graphics are great and the great variety of weapons make this game a little bit better. I loved playing this game, but, Call of Duty 4 is still a much greater game.

This game is one of the greatest fps games of all time, the Story mode is amazing, the missions in it are thrilling and worth to be played more than just once. Some missions are one of the best I've played from all fps games. The great variety of weapons and modifications make this game even better, so I wouldn't be mad if there were just few weapons, sometimes I think there are to many things that I don't even know which weapons I would prefer. The Multiplayer is as good as the Story, with the great addition of special abilities to every type of soldier class you choose. The number of maps you can choose is enormous, different modes make every game like a new game, which means that it isn't repetitive at all. All in all the best first-person-shooter game I've played so far.

This review is only based upon my experience in Singleplayer Mode.
Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and released by Activision in 2010. The game offers a campaign, multiplayer and a new Zombie mode.

The game has potential, but the story isn't great, you just go through the main's character memories and you try to understand what is even happening, and only the end of the game you realize why you even had to struggle so much, if only they made the story a little bit more interesting, at least if we knew at the beginning what is the point of the game, but after all that, I didn't want to replay the game again. Probably the only selling point apart from the multiplayer is the new Zombie mode where you're given the opportunity to challenge yourself with many phases of incoming zombies. After finishing each phase, you can spend the points given throught the phase to buy better weapons.

Overall the graphics and sounds are great, the zombie addition is great and fun, almost everything is good except the story which isn't thrilling as others CoD games.

This review is only based upon my experience in Singleplayer Mode.

I love the change from Modern Warfare theme to the WWII theme, the campaign is amazing and full of thrill, a great variety of weapons, the sound and graphics are great and on point. I love the snipers hidden somewhere among the trees and bushes, flamethrowers and the Japanese bayonet charge. The story is accurate to the historical events which made the game even more realistic.

This is an incredible game, worth playing for hours, days or even more. Super addictive, once you start one match, you cannot stop playing for at least more than an hour. This game requires training, and yes if you don't train at least half an hour per day, you will find yourself stuck in Silver or Gold likely forever. Graphics is ok, physics of this game is so accurate. I love the game in every way, it is one of the games I always wanted.