I absolutely adore this game. From the soundtrack to the vivid environments and character design. The game handles very well and can be punishing at times but the feeling of reward once beating a difficult boss cannot be beaten.
I could play this game over and over again and I do regularly.

This is one of my favourite games of all time. The atmosphere is so immersive and I still remember when I played this game as a child.
The dark theme of the entire games sets the character development and story up complete. You find yourself immersed in the creatures and environments of the game.
Mechanically, the game has seen better days with it playing best on PC rather than PS. The puzzles can be hard for new time players but ultimately rewarding when you get them right.
Highly recommend this game for someone who enjoys dark themes and platformers

Like the first game, the overall theme for this game is dark and gritty. But unlike the first game the environments are very samey. Whereas the first game has outside thriving areas, this is mainly industrial areas. However the music for the game is amazing and each area has it's own theme. Better, smoother mechanics than the first game and more creatures for you to enjoy.

The music and environments are absolutely stunning. The gameplay is unforgiving but amazing at the same time. Highly recommend for any platformer enthusiast

Another amazing soundtrack and thriving environment. The developers know exactly how to tug on those heartstrings. Mechanics are fluid, gameplay is vivid and the game overall is simply amazing

Characters leave a lot to be desired. I felt I couldnt connect with many of them. The story is good if not for a few confusing game choices. I was left feeling that the choices I made didnt reflect the outcome.
Graphically impressive but there were definitely some cut corners with eyebrows clipping into hats. I'd play it again only to see if i got the same outcome.