Not quite as hot as the legendary Symphonia, but there are people who would beat me up for saying that. The story is great most of the way through, but starts to fall apart a bit near the end.

Completely phoned in. This feels like a game made by an AI. Levels seem like they were designed merely to be "a video game level" without any thought for how a Sonic game actually works. At least the zones are pretty.

Please turn up the run speed tho

Solid, but there are better Fallouts.

A reinvention with too much weight on its shoulders. Given the impossible task of proving that Sonic the Hedgehog is not Sonic The Hedgehog (2006), Unleashed goes back to the drawing board and comes back with a promising new formula. This first boost game manages to demonstrate the sensation of speed, the familiar exploration of branching level paths, and ample room for player mastery. All of the hallmarks that "Good Sonic" is known for are present here, and to avoid stepping on the rake of releasing a sixty dollar two hour video game in 2008, we have the werehog.

It's also an attempt to capture the gameplay variety of the Sonic Adventure games, which means it comes pre-installed with all of the same complaints. There is a significant and dedicated faction of individuals who want nothing in their Sonic game that doesn't adhere to all of the same core Sonic gameplay pillars. Personally, I'm GLAD that Sonic Adventure 2 has mechs and treasure hunting. I'm perfectly fine with half of my Sonic game being a beat-em-up, even if it's a simplistic one... and it definitely starts out too simplistic.

The whole concept of Sonic being mutated into some freakish rubber musclebeast honestly is nowhere near as stupid as it sounds, it's just the optics of the thing. Even with Sonic Adventure 2 on the books, the gaming public remained unconvinced that Sonic Team really, truly knew what they were doing with 3D Sonic. To most of the world, this whole era reeked of incompetence-burying gimmickry. "You should buy this one because now he's a WEREWOLF" heard the consumer. It sent the wrong message. In another time and another place, to a more confident playerbase, the werehog would have gone largely unmaligned.

Just for the record I uh... I can't stand the human designs in this game. I understand why they're here, but honest to god I would rather have the Soleanna humans.

Don't bring back Chip.

It's pretty and it plays fine. Very short, but it's a pretty nice time.

I just like seeing them hang out okay

Underrated modern adventure game. Funny and charming.

Now that's how you end a video game.

A worthy successor to Sly Cooper.

Much better than many would have you believe, and I wish people would stop acting like it doesn't count.

Arkham Asylum kicks ass. There are plenty of licensed super hero games that serve as showcases for the chosen IP, but Arkham Asylum really makes the most of its source material and hits the player in the face with everything that makes Batman good.

I had one of my best birthdays ever playing through Subspace Emissary. As an actual multiplayer Smash game, it's clearly the worst one. As a big dumb crossover? It's everything I ever wanted.