This game is 5 stars but this port certainly isn't! The biggest selling point of this game is the gorgeous backgrounds. Some of them are much higher resolution than the Gamecube version. Some aren't. Many are in between at completely random and arbitrary changes in level of detail. The lighting engine seems to be quite a bit different, the difference is minor but I'd say mildly noticeable and just a little worse compared to the original release. The new models and textures are nice, though it's weird to have costumes where Chris and Jill have different face structures.

I do like the added difficulty levels, this game is ruthless for series newcomers. The new analog controls are a necessary evil for getting more people to try this game I understand, but I urge every new player to try using the d-pad and learning tank controls (it makes this game and others like it so much better) even if it feels tough at first.

Yeah let's leave this one in the past actually.

Absolute garbage PC port that will go down in history as a modding community win. To be fair FromSoft did not have the resources and Bandai Namco did not have the brainpower to make this port what it needed to be. The resolution was fixed around 720p. The framerate was capped at 30. What ever could we have done?

But then, hours after the disaster, a beacon of hope arrived. The fabled dsfix, spoken of only in legends today, arrived with the simple goal of getting the render resolution to match the output resolution. The resulting fixes that got attached to this project were instrumental to the game's success in the eyes of an entire generation of PC gamers who would never have touched such a laggy Xbox 360 game.

Imagine a world where this never happened. Would Dark Souls 2 ever get the PC attention (and publisher insanity) that it did? Would Dark Souls 3 have ever come to PC? Would Souls at 60 FPS ever really have happened without dsfix?

tl;dr I often still play using this version instead of the Remaster.

Overhated? For sure, in the same way Sonic '06, Dark Souls 2, and many other notably unfinished games are. Though I would struggle to call it good either. Environments are some of the coziest in the series. I'd say the new characters are pretty fun, and the music is nice at times as well.

Combat is a chore, everyone knows this game is a blockfest but did you know this remaster has a shorter quickstep in some versions? Afaik this has never been officially fixed on PC for this game or Yakuza 4. That would have made my playthrough better. In fact, playing on any difficulty but Hard would have done that too...

This was my favorite way to play Sonic 2 as a kid, and the first way I beat it. Nowadays the bad audio emulation drives me crazy. Very playable considering the circumstances I'm sure this was developed under, not worth revisiting today.

Decent port with some serious issues. Lighting is broken in many instances, while a lot of the technical issues the original release had either didn't get addressed or got worse in the conversion process. 60fps is a plus, though. For introducing a new generation of Nintendo kids to Sonic, Sega could have done better by the devs here.

By 2012 Japanese dev standards even, this is a bad port through and through. Absolutely nothing is fixed here. The modding community has done great work on this, but Sega's reliance on them to fix everything they break is ridiculous. Not to "Nintendo hire this man" them but it's funny when your fan scene does a better job upkeeping your own code than you do...

Super Mario Bros but when Mario jumps, his momentum starts from Standing Position again.

Fun with friends. Less fun with kids who barely understand text chat.

Outstanding PS2/PSP remaster collection, one of the best of the generation. Each game has custom 2D assets made to replicate the original look at 16:9 at a much sharper resultion than the PS2 was capable of, and every game runs at a solid 60fps despite MGS3 and Peace Walker originally running much worse! If you have a PS3 or 360 still lying around this is almost certainly your best option to play these classics. Fortunately this is based on the latest versions of each game with most bonus content included, unfortunately doesn't come with any new material outside the games and a sleek menu. Also no skateboarding/Snake vs. Monkey 😞

Kingdom Hearts on PS3! Considering they were "forced to buy a used copy" to reverse engineer the first game, it's impressive they were able to transfer it over so well, and with such amazing video output and flawless performance! The inclusion of the "between game story", with Re:Chain of Memories and the 358/2 Days cutscene movie are a nice inclusion for diehards, though casual fans are likely to skip or not appreciate them. This release is largely obsolete now with the PS4 version including 60fps and PC including higher framerates and modding support.

Sad to see the series' last hurrah (at least in the classic sense of Ridge Racer) be such a hollow retool of what already existed in 6, 7, and 3D. The music is great as always but there's no real campaign. You're asked to race with the only progression being that you get more car parts and higher speeds after some (???) races. Visuals are nice but not as impressive as Ridge Racer PSP for the time, and performance leaves a lot to be desired. If only the Vita was just a year or two later with nicer hardware...

Extremely solid collection for the time. The interface is sleek and Gamecube marketing-esque, with a nice remix of the series theme and artwork and a blurb to describe each game included. Emulation is good but not great, but N64 on Gamecube so shortly after those games were new is a sight to behold. Though it feels very strange to jump from Zelda II straight to Ocarina, as a kid I only later heard about aLttP (and I guess I didn't watch the series history video included on the disc)

All the cool kids with platinum DOL-001s grew up with this and spent an absurd amount of time in the Wind Waker timed demo. Shoutout to those who loaded the dungeon save and walked backwards to get 20 minutes of the Dragon Roost Island theme.

You would think after making so many pinball minigames for this series that the Generations throwback DLC would be any good. It's not at all. Don't even bother downloading.

If this was some map I downloaded my only takeaway would be "meh, it was pretty I guess"