This one started out really strong but really started to drag for me and I dunno what it is but its missing the juice

I wish I had played the original before this as I know this version is harder but this is still one of the best final fantasy games I have played. Cute graphics, good but basic story, just the right amount of challenge (with a little grinding), and the job system rules. Fuck that Iron Giant though

Fun for a little bit but a real time sink with little reward. Can't deny it is fun to be a dinosaur and just do dinosaur things though

Cute and adds a nice little incentive to trying to fix my awful sleep schedule

Takes what the original did and improves it in every way imaginable and throws in an actual plot

Those skyboxes are a work of art

Returning to this after being turned off of it last year. The first bit of the main story is a real slog and incredibly uninteresting but picks up right at the end and gets me stoked for Heavensward. The combat and online community made me see it through

Infinitely charming with a short story followed by an incredibly lengthy postgame which rules. A pokemon game has no right to hit me in the feels this hard

Spent a few hours beating this with my girlfriend and its just so fun and cute and full of surprising amounts of depth

The dance mini game is a circle of hell

Why did nobody tell me this was good

Incredibly slow and tedious til way too late (arguably I was playing solo so maybe I will come back to it one day and feel better about it)