37 reviews liked by Dillian_Criker

wouldve been 10/10 if ornstein and smough were dating

Everybody says this when talking about this game but it really can't be understated just how surprisingly good this game is. Fun missions, fun gameplay, good story, amazing characters and character interactions, i mean, what's not to like really. The thing that really caught me off guard the most was that some of the decisions i took during the story actually affected how some scenes played out and actually made a real, tangible difference in the story.

despite being a gacha title, it has shockingly endearing writing on certain visual novel routes, and the rhythm gameplay is quite fun and not locked by the gacha mechanics.

This was my first gacha game and I feel spoiled because it is genuinely great in a lot of ways. It feels good to play, looks expensive, and performs very well on my phone. I didn't spend money on the game but got some lucky rolls and had some awesome 5-star heroes. I enjoyed the gameplay loop and it was a good distraction on my commute, but I have reached the end of my enjoyment. Very solid mobile game!

Played it on Nintendo Switch. It’s a little bit better than Black Flag in my opinion, great DLC.

I wish I liked this more. I enjoy Remedy games. But I don't think I was in the right mindset when playing this. Need to try it again one day.

The fact we'll never see a proper continuation of this story is such a shame, man. This DLC really upped the ante in terms of fun but challenging platforming, already showing improvement over the base game's more underwhelming level design. The prince and Elika are such a massive step up from any other pairing in the series that I'm genuinely sad I'll never get to see their next adventure.

I didn’t know the guy from despicable me could move like that
The gameplay itself is incredibly fun and I always enjoyed playing it. That being said they have added the shit out of it and it’s now pay to win because you need to purchase tricks to progress instead of completing parkour.

what the hell are these reviews

I’m outraged there was no youngling level
It’s basically just a beatem up but there’s a nice variety of gameplay, the combat and force powers are great. As far as 2d beatemups go, it’s pretty great. Also the music slaps