Weird lil indies

For games that are weird, unconventional, and also so very indie.

Against the Wall
Against the Wall
What if wall. It's the barest alphaest demo you've ever seen, and it seems to have been abandoned ages ago, but it's a neat concept
Creeper World 2: Redemption
Creeper World 2: Redemption
Holocure: Save the Fans!
Holocure: Save the Fans!
This one is here because it's weird that someone made a vampire survivors clone that is better (imo) than the original, while also being about v-tubers, of which I know nothing so playing this is a fever dream of references that go over my head
Creeper World 4
Creeper World 4
Manifold Garden
Manifold Garden
This game asks: "What if repetition?".
The most visually impressive thing is the credits, which is quite the choice
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal
What if RTS, but fighting a liquid?
The face of the list. Played it for the first time years and years ago, and never quite found another that scratched the same itch.
A fun lil walking simulator
Creeper World
Creeper World


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