Cool for about 5 minutes, but that's it. Typical licensed game for the time.

The perfect example of a slightly below average game. A decent time waster, but nothing good beyond that.

The most overrated game I have ever played. A good story that is ruined by bad gameplay and survival mechanics that feel forced in.
Gameplay feels like a copy pasta of other games in this genre.

As someone who had never played a KOF game before, this is one of the best fighters I have played. Had a great story mode for a fighting game aswell.

The rating is this high due to me liking South Park's humor.

The phrase "Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen" as a videogame.

An incredibly shallow game that is nothing compared to other versions. It's sad that Sunrise Extreme is still twice as good as this game. If you want a good free Trackmania game, play Nations Instead.

DBH is a very frustarting game for me. There is potential for a good game here, but any potential for a good game is ruined by poor design decisions and bad storytelling. The game is a overdramatic mess that is built upon "epic moments" that actually telling a constant story. The plot being split into 3 side stories doesn't help this.

It also has a racism aligory that is as subtle as someone shouting that Racism is bad in your face. The Fairly Odd Parents episode "The Same Game" does this better and that's not even the point of the episode!

I'm sure that someone can tell this story well in a videogame, but that company isn't Quantic Dream and the person telling it isn't David Cage.

A bad game from a studio I have zero interest in playing anymore of their "videogames"

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Nonsensical and random. I only remember the main character being in a supervised room. Best to keep it that way. My head hurts. I'll stop writing this review now.


I have a dark secret to admit when it comes to this game, something that fans of SSX might not forgive me for.........SSX3 is a better game than SSX Tricky.

This game is a great example of how open-world gameplay can enhance a game. Unlike most open-world games where it's just a bunch of stuff around, SSX3's tracks are designed in a way in which the extra stuff is addition, as opposed to the main course.

Another good thing about SSX3 is that it retains the feel of the SSX series. Tricky is known for being a light-hearted affair. While this game is a little more serious, the spirit of competition definitely lives on.

The only downgrade when compared to Tricky is the removal of unique stats and only 1 type of board. It makes characters lose their identity as unique characters. This isn't the worst idea since stats are most customable than in Tricky, but it does degrade the character's uniqueness.

In short, SSX3 is one of the best games of the sixth-generation of consoles and is a must play for both sports fans and general audiences.

A solid rhythm game that was a pleasant surprise. One of the best phone games I have played.

A major improvement upon the Xbox 360 version. Not the best version nowadays due to the 4K Remaster.

A great example of what happens when you tell a semi-funny joke and then base said joke on an entire game.

Nobody wanted a revival of terrible 90's FMV Sega CD games with commentary in-game by a "pickup artist".

Functionally works as a game, but it comes from an outdated, dead genre that wasn't any good to begin with.

Good battle system + bad story = average.