26 reviews liked by Doss300

I replay these games a lot. One day I'll review them, today i'm just destroying bosses with the black knight halberd

Similar to dark souls 1 I replay this game quite frequently so I won't review it every time. But this was my first and for a long time my favourite souls game, but after this playthrough I think Dark souls 1 has overtaken it and it's all because of that interconnected world that's so insanely magical that despite bloodborne and other later games being more solid, Dark souls 1 still reigns supreme. I still love bloodborne obviously, it's still on my profiles favourite games list

I've played this game so many times its ridiculous but this most recent playthrough was my first since the tv show came out and I played through it with my girlfriend who'd only seen the show and I've really found an appreciation of how amazing of a story this game has despite some arguably lacklustre gameplay.

I had the privilege of watching my partner's first time through this game. I encourage anyone who loves this game to share it with people; it's probably the closest you'll get to the joy of your first playthrough

The final half is some of the greatest sequencing i've seen in ps2 game especially the final boss.

the first three mgs are just straight up fire. a certified classic

I am done, man Just done
What a phenomenal experience it was, it somehow managed to Surpass MGS 2
Where do I even start writing about it? Everything from top to bottom of this game is intricately executed so well, The lore drop of cold war, Historically accurate information, chef's kiss gameplay,enjoyable mission, the antagonist cast to rival with everything is throughly fuccking fun
Snake's exploration of morality and compassion,his true worth as individualism,everlasting soldier's legacy even to one's grave even at cost of his honour whole snake's arc approach in this game is recommendable.
The last 10 Mins is some of the greatest fictional experience i have ever had
Everything is temporary but Kojima Cooking some of the greatest dialogues in fiction overlapping core themes of his story and character essence at end of his game is Permanent, love this so much man

Banger by indie director Hideo Kojima.
Can't put in words how much I love this game.