This is somehow my second most played FE games despite the fact I always say I don't like it so it must be doing something right

Fun to play but ugly as sin and that alone makes me never wanna replay despite the fact I replay most FE games at least once every few years

It was my first FE game and while I don't love it as much as I did back then it still holds a special place in my heart, until I remember it has ambush spawns and I knock it down a point

What if Fire Emblem Conquest has a slightly better story in return for more boring gameplay?

IS was told Awakening didn't have any map gimmicks and took that personally

Great game held back by some truly awful designs and some sort of fear of tell it's players how to effectively play it

This game is flawed on a design level, still can't believe it was released with the surfing speed that way

It's one of my favorite games ever with more stuff but some of that stuff makes the game an absolute cakewalk to play at times and not always in a fun way.

Great game, sucks it's stuck in permanent White mode :(

Objectively better than white 2 because it's always in Dark Mode

What if Bravely Defult's story was actually generic and bad?

It's got a lot of interesting ideas but I don't feel like many of them were executed well

This game has so many problems and started a lot of the problems that still plague the series to this day but IDK man whenever I think about my time playing it I just remember how much fun I had I can't really explain it.

This game seems good but after this and Symphonia I think I might just not be a fan of the Tales series on a design level