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15 hrs ago

DoubleCakes reviewed Supercharge
It should be known that Supercharge was meant to be a resource pack firstly and a gameplay mod secondly. That said, as a gameplay mod it's pretty solid. Also the new graphics might misdirect players, it's a rather vanilla experience.

There are more things tweaked in this mod than there are things changed drastically. Weapons are giving faster firing speeds and some add in reload systems, but function the same. The player is at "diagonal" speed at all times.

One of the big changes is the instant weapon switching speed. There's apparently tricks you can do to chain shots together using the quick weapon changing speed but I was never able to pull it off and I don't get the impression that it does much anyway.

The mod changes enemy graphics too but if someone told me that the enemies' behaviour and attacks were mostly unchanged, I'd believe them. There's a lot of switched-up sound effects too that I don't like but maybe I need to get used to them.

Overall, I could come back to this wad if I wanted something that was mostly true to classic Doom but enough of a change if I needed something fresh.

16 hrs ago

DoubleCakes finished Miasma
Miasma is a mammoth of a single level wad. The limey towers of the level are intricate and its complex is detailed with there being several interconnected corridors with windows and paths between them to make the place feel alive. There was a moment where I was walking down a corridor and I didn't realize that knights were tossing in fireballs behind me.

There's a non-linear nature to the map, too. There are plenty of optional areas and I would recommend tracking down a BFG before tackling the final tower. I didn't so that part was really hard for me, even with the Supercharge mod.

I've played this wad a few times but this is the first time I finished it. It's probably in my top 10 for recommended single-level wads. Get lost in its neon structures and blistering fights.

17 hrs ago

DoubleCakes is now playing Miasma

18 hrs ago

DoubleCakes backloggd Echelon

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DoubleCakes is now playing CPD

2 days ago

DoubleCakes played CPD

2 days ago

DoubleCakes finished Combat Shock
Combat Shock is a sledgehammer of a slaughter wad. There are four maps here totalling in about 7000 enemies.

The highlight to this wad is the large slaughterfests where either a door opens and there's a centurion of monsters or monsters start warping in. These fights are often deceptively smart with its specialized monster placement or its carefully-crafted terrain features. The interstitial fights are often simple, almost like they are meant for moments of relaxation between the juggernaut encounters that the wad is known for.

The level design is intricate and detailed without being too busy and makes visually distinctive uses out of vanillas textures. I was playing with a weapon mod and I would be lying if I said its BFG equivalent didn't sand down a lot of the wad's difficulty edge with me literally running through crowds of imps and knights and turning them into spaghetti sauce. I wasn't pushed up against the wall by armies of foes like I would have had I stuck to the vanilla weaponset but I think my judgment on this wad is fair.

2 days ago

2 days ago

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