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8 days ago

DrMooMoo finished The Last of Us Part II
This game's "message" sucks and Palestine deserves to be free!

Ok, Neil Druckmann sucks and had a messed up allegory in this game. However, the allegory doesn't even work unless you pretend it's for something else (like I did). I hate Druckmann deeply for his zionist viewpoint, but I won't let him ruin this game for me. Of course, if you hate it for that reason 100% based and I agree!

Also, I've seen some people dislike Lev. I'm not talking about the ones who just hate queer people (they suck), but the ones who think he isn't well-written/good representation. I disagree. I think he works perfectly as a representation of trans people as he is outcasted by his society, a religious one at that, that has full control of his mother. A lot of trans people can relate to that. A religion making it where your parents want you dead simply for being yourself. Yes, it was probably just added in for brownie points, but unlike other studios who do that, I believe there is care put into Lev and the overall journey he's forced into. Of course, you can have your own opinion I was just able to relate to Lev as a trans girl and wanted to share my thoughts.

12 days ago

12 days ago

12 days ago

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