24 Reviews liked by DrPepperG

This game was special. An action rhythm game that is incredibly fun to play. A straightforward story with lovable characters filled with plenty of comedy. Robbie Daymond is just one of the best VAs out there. The boss fights and OST were amazing. I feel like with how short this is, I'll find myself coming back with all that post game content.


This game and this expac changed my life. Like there's a certain experience that just cant be found anywhere else than in mmos. Playing this on release and seeing discussion revolving different parts of the story, talking about things with friends, travelling the journey with new friends you've made along the way; its just magical. All of the memories you make, the challenges you overcome, and the growth you have, on top of just having a fantastic game overall is amazing. Endwalker specifically really feels like the culmination of the entire final fantasy franchises lifespan come into appreciation of its players. Will probably forever remain my favorite game.

Absolute masterpiece.

The second game in the FFVII Remake Trilogy was nothing short of a brilliant piece of art. From the world, to the gameplay, to the soundtrack, to the minigames, to the characters, and of course, the story. This game offered so much to do and it was everything I ever could dreamed of.

There were multiple parts of the game where I had to pause to soak in that this wasn't a dream, it was real and it is actually happening.

Each region being expanded on such a massive scale was incredible. Every area felt like it's own little world and game with so much to do. The side quests actually felt like mini stories instead of meaningless tasks. Paired along with all the minigames, and trust me there is a whole lot of them, makes you easily dive eight hours into an area before even touching the next main story piece.

Gameplay blows Remake out of the water, like Kingdom Hearts 1 into 2 in terms of the changes. Every character was fun to play as, especially with the amazing combos you can do with synergy skills and abilities. Paring characters up with certain materia to just make them unstoppable machines was so fulfilling.

The soundtrack was great! Those remixes paired along with original songs added so much to the game, just like Remake. I can never get over the one they used for a certain side quest, absolute banger.

Story was phenomenal as per usual, the character focus was brilliant. Each character had such fantastic representation, seeing how far they've already come and what they've been through in this journey. The voice actors did such a great job, everyone felt so real. Their banter outside the serious moments and even in serious moments were hilarious I love these dorks so much. So many moments that left me completely speechless, which forced me to take a break for a moment. I'm not afraid to admit I cried. The ending, without spoiling anything, left me an emotional wreck. I sat there watching the credits in my chair still not fully realizing everything the just occurred. THAT is how you make a masterpiece of a story, and we aren't even finished with the story as a whole yet!

This is what I wanted, still can't believe what I just played was even real. Playing this right after Persona 3 Reload was something I needed. I can't wait for Part 3 of this trilogy because I know it will absolutely be a once in a lifetime experience just like the first two games. I know they got something amazing cooking for us.

Thank you so much.

I have had this in my favorite games on backloggd since September I never lost faith

uchikoshi truly is one of the greatest writers, 85% of the time. considering how this game completely disregards any sort of previous character progression in the first game, ima let it slide for the one time because this game has an amazing cast of characters, intricate and incredibly well written story, also just really fucking funny. and so i think it more than makes up for it imo. also THE MUSIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD UGHHHHHHH !!

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I have never cried this much at anything ever. This game is just beautiful man.

I found myself avoiding finishing the game near the end and I just knew what would happen and I couldn't avoid it all the same. The bonds you make, good and bad, just really got me fucking ugly crying. These people are here for you and you're here for them. I cried talking to nearly every single one of them. I've never felt like this before, but it was such a great experience.

This game really speaks to me and I'm so glad I got to be here for it. I want to be there for my friends, family, and loved ones. Tell them you love them. I'm crying again just thinking about it. Thank you.

So overall i dont think it is better than shadowbringers especially cause its beggining takes quite a bit to get it truly going but man this story dungeons and trials available here are some of the most fun in the whole game i cant wait to go trough all of patch

I agree Nasu, I too love Rebuild of Evangelion

This game is player freedom at its finest
I am honestly suprised with how well Larian translated D&D into one of the best games i have played, its worth its award for game of the year 2023 and more some
From its combat, its music, its setting, the world and character it inhabits everything was done masterfull to a tee
This game has so much to give and not enough for me to take you will be sure i am going back for a second playtrough and most likely many more after that

This really was the Mahoutsukai no yoru

Dare I say, one of the greatest all time fucking video games.

i fought some goblins and saw this cool hole and went in and i was like wow theres this cool little cellar here. then i broke a wall down and saw a cave and i was like wow theres a cool spider cave. then i beat all the spiders and saw this ominous hole and jumped down and theres an entire different world down there.

i have like 16 hours on my tactician solo playthrough and i havent even touched the goblin camp yet. exploring and going around doing all these little side quests dont even feel like side quests it just feels like cool world building that i just happened to stumble upon while looking for shit. im so immersed.

the multiplayer on this is also just so fun. online is super smooth and its hilarious having different people all trying to figure out what to do.

i was also genuinely shocked when i randomly booted this up in front of my friend and found out theres local coop. we immediately started playing and it was a blast.

easily goty.

soujuurou shizuki top 1, maybe my favorite nasu character

but the cast in this novel is so much fun in general

you know this game isn't as insufferable as i expected it to be, its not like the greatest game of all time, or that enjoyable but it definitely is probably the best flop I've ever played, like I didn't walk away feeling that offended by this one

this game is so garbage man, 2 YEARS and this is what they cooked up like there's just no way too little, too late