Superior to Far Cry 6 but undeniably worse than its predecessors (Far Cry 3/4). Very good story, empty gameplay.

It's the worst shit I've played in a long long long time

A mediocre video game, it's a shame because visually it's wonderful, but everything else is a disaster.

The inspiration of Dead Space and Resident Evil is noticeable but they took everything bad and enhanced it, because this is a real disaster; generic and repeated monsters, bad distribution of objects, the same boss three times, flat characters and a good story but that goes without shame or glory.

Perhaps the only good thing about it is the cast and especially Sam Witwer and clearly how good it looks graphically, because everything else leaves a lot... A LOT to be desired.

And I better not talk about the """"SEASON PASS"""" because it would already be 1 star.

An essential if you are a lover of survival horror.

Capcom took its mythical Resident Evil saga as a reference and drank a bit of the mysticism of Silent Hill and came out with this spectacular game. Without departing from the tank controls, this game has a very good story, endearing characters, regulates the action almost perfectly with the exploration and search for resources and, in turn, the game is preserved to this day having a beautiful quality for The time.

Perhaps it doesn't innovate much, being the consequence of Resident Evil, but it is an essential and a game with its own character, highly recommended.

the best survival horror made to date and one of the best remakes ever created in history

A masterpiece of psychological terror and possibly one of the best games ever to date. Without words, it is the game of my life and the one that made me understand that video games are more than just lights.