Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

September 24, 2023

First played

September 13, 2023

Platforms Played


The 7th generation of consoles was a host of many a new hard r gamers being introduced to the interactive medium and with it came a slew of games that catered towards those who were just getting their feet wet with it. These games were much more welcoming, had simpler systems, hand-held the players through the campaign, and came packaged with a middling story that wouldn't look out of picture of a direct to netflix tv show cancelled after 1 season. That was just the time these games came out in and the market they were trying to hit.

Assassin's Creed II being the more beloved sequel and giving no reason to be invested in anything that happened in the first game beyond knowing the first guy's name means that alot of people jumped in and started playing video games with this and other titles of it's ilk.

It's got flashy LOOKING combat, and a flashy LOOKING parkour system that is also most importantly easy to get to grip with. It's got it's setting rooted in exotic cities from the renaissance era of Italy. It's got just enough meat on it's bones that you could reasonably talk to a co-worker over the water-cooler about this game you played over the weekend and not have to have them understand the idioms that games come with. Ezio is a fun enough protagonist that you can easily see people putting him on their YouTube "Top 11 biggest bad-asses in gaming because 10 just wasn't enough."

Unfortunately I have played video games before. Enough to know that I don't like counter-combat were you just mash the attack button until an enemy shoots the sirens on when they are gonna attack, in which you hit counter and instantly slit their fucking throats. I hate how automated the games movement leading me to wish I had a jump button worth a damn because it would be easier to do that rather than let Ezio take the wheel and go wherever he damn well pleases. Most importantly I just cannot be asked to give a fuck about any character because I think they all came out of a dummies guide of writing story book.

I did however, find it psychotically hilarious every time Ezio would assassinate the random civilian next to the guy I'm trying to stab. No idea why throwing strays tickles my funny bone so much but it did.