Feel like majority of the people love this game for the completely wrong reasons, the game has an "Overwhelmingly Positive" rating on Steam with lots of positive joke reviews making remarks on the silly humor of the game, or refer to it as a "so bad it's good" type of game, completely miss the depth the game has to offer than the "le funny pee", though I was also a part of that demographic.

The previous installment of Postal was a completely edgy game about a guy going Postal and going on a killing spree to kill enough people to progress to the next level, the next installment in the series, Postal 2 seems completely out of place right? I wouldn't say so, it's like Running with Scissors realized how silly it was so they made a complete satire of their previous game and overall hyperbolizing on the edginess and mock American Congressmen trying all in their power to ban videogames for making people go Postal ™. The satire is quite effective to this day and now functions as a time capsule to a really messed up period.

Underneath all that satire Postal 2 is also an effective horror game, the underground and cave locations with the Talibans and the asylum have an eerie atmosphere and sound design that makes you feel quite uneasy, the game's now dated graphics really give it the ugly look making it feel just like a snuff film, and not to mention the absolutely crazy finale that is just absolutely chaotic. the game also has aspects of Psychological Horror which comes from the sandbox nature of the game that tests the depths of human perversion and do messed up things that you would have never imagined you would think of doing until playing this game.

Unremarkable audiovisual experience for HARD & HUNG STUDS - You either get it or you don't.

David Jaffe if you're reading this, SUCK ON MY BIG BLACK HAIRY BALLS

The infested chopper boss is the single greatest boss in all of video gaming. Devil May Cry 2 is already known as one of the greatest of all time (GOAT factor = high on this one), but the infestation that plagues the cities of Devil May Cry 2 allows for an extremely emotionally-complex character set. The infestation is a manifesto of our society and the zombie-like enthusiasm we take in our militarism, which is a great moral leap backwards. It spreads to the masses, and the military continues to kill. In that sense, the Infested Chopper boss fight is something more. You fight it once and it takes forever to beat. This mimics the reality of persuading a military enthusiast in real life - it takes forever. Then, the more you fight the choppers, you realize that the mission of beating them all is impossible. It is a grim fate that only Devil May Cry 2 can convey accurately. In other words, the infested chopper is definitively the single greatest boss fight in gaming and represents all of society's fears, which tells many stories which are incomprehensibly deep.

Epic Rap Battles of History but gaming




channels the spirit of GoldSrc/Source Horror Kino although made on the GZDoom engine and years late to the trend

SOVL at its finest

vidya equivalent of a high effort direct-to-video action film, this shit definitely slaps yo


If your Guroge contains quotes from Yukio Mishima, I can do nothing but kneel...

Pure kinoge.

Add Anthophobia to the site cowards!!!

H-games are vidya too, maybe more than that, perhaps even better, add Black Souls II as well while you're at it.


Based... So... fvckin... zased...